Christian Therapist for women with anxiety and trauma throughout CA & TX
Trauma Therapist Houston: How Brainspotting Can Help You Heal
So how does brainspotting actually work?
It’s pretty simple. When you are having a conversation with someone, you’ll notice that their eyes move all over the place. Sometimes their eyes look up and to the right, other times, it’s down and to the left, and still, other times they might appear to be looking far away in the distance.
Before we dive in, here’s a link to a video and blog post on “What is brainspotting?
what is brainspotting and how does it actually work?
It’s pretty simple. When you are having a conversation with someone, you’ll notice that their eyes move all over the place. Sometimes their eyes look up and to the right, other times, it’s down and to the left, and still, other times they might appear to be looking far away in the distance.
But it really is all about your brain processing.
During brainspotting therapy, your therapist doesn’t do a lot of talking.
What to Expect from Your First Session with a Trauma Therapist in Houston
They utilize your eye gaze to help your brain gently bring up important memories. Your therapist will ask you to focus on a specific point- the point at which your brain naturally wants you to focus on, so that it can process appropriately.
You are gently told to bring up the event or experience that you want to process. One of the ways I do this is with a pointer. I help you find the right spot for you to focus on- brainspotting therapists know how to do this.
What to Expect from Your First Session with a Trauma Therapist in Houston
I slowly bring the pointer across the screen (watch this video for the explanation. Start at 0:57 to see how I use my pointer). When I notice that your face makes certain reflex movements, I’ll stop the pointer. Then I ask that you continue to gaze at the spot while bringing up some of the experiences that brought you into therapy.
Another tool that I use in brainspotting therapy is biolateral music. Biolateral music is simply music that bounces back and forth- from left ear to right ear- in an unpredictable pattern, which allows your brain to process.
You will have headphones on, while the music is on very low volume, so you can still hear me talking and you can still follow my guidance. This entire process rewires your brain.
I won’t be doing a whole bunch of talking, my job is just to set it up, hold the space for you, and allow you to gently bring up those experiences that brought you into therapy.
On your own, you’ll be able to come up with all sorts of answers that you didn't know were inside you. The idea is that you already have the resources within you. You just need the right environment to bring them up.
It is you processing an event, your trauma, or your experiences, while looking at a certain spot. Where you look affects how you feel- is the premise behind brainspotting.
Brainspotting is useful for:
People who have experienced trauma.
People with anxiety or fear.
Athletes, performers and musicians who are stuck.
Entrepreneurs who want to get rid of mental blocks that stop them from making decisions.
If you are ready to finally heal from past trauma, anxiety or difficult experiences, click here to schedule your free 15-minute consultation to find out if brainspotting is right for you. I am a Black therapist who provides online therapy for people who live in California and Texas.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia. I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
What exactly is Brainspotting Therapy?
So what exactly is brainspotting? Maybe you've heard of brainspotting before and you're curious about it, or maybe you have no clue what I'm talking about. Before we jump in, know that brainspotting is very different from EMDR.
So what exactly is brainspotting? Maybe you've heard of brainspotting before and you're curious about it, or maybe you have no clue what I'm talking about. Before we jump in, know that brainspotting is very different from EMDR.
Brainspotting is different from EMDR
In my opinion it is way better, but of course I'm biased because I am a brainspotting therapist.
The idea behind brainspotting therapy is very simple.
It is that when we go through trauma, stress, or difficult experiences, they can get locked into certain parts of the brain.
The experiences get locked into the reptilian or subcortical part of your brain where your emotions are processed.
This often happens to maybe protect your body from the difficult emotions. Because if you spent all of your time thinking about all the big, difficult things that have happened in your life, you’d be paralyzed by fear, anxiety or overwhelm. So then your brain locks those emotions into one place.
Perhaps your body might not be ready to process those emotions yet, so it just protects them in the reptilian brain. However this becomes a problem, when the memories begin to interfere in your life.
The effects of locking up your emotions
You find yourself avoiding emotions altogether, or having a hard time regulating your emotions. Or the memories of the difficult experience keep popping back up, and you have no idea what to do with them.
Through the process of brainspotting, your therapist will help you unlock some of those emotions, so that you can better process them and heal your hurt brain.
The tools of Brainspotting
Some of the tools that I use in brainspotting are a pointer and biolateral music to help you dig into the subcortical brain.
The benefits of brainspotting
Brainspotting therapy is just a simple tool to help you unlock the emotions, trauma and experiences that have been trapped in your brain, so that you can process then and free yourself from pain. You leave the sessions feeling like a load has been lifted off your shoulders, and the memories that have felt unbearably scary, get less and less scary.
Brainspotting can be helpful for:
People who have experienced trauma.
People with anxiety or fear.
Athletes, performers and musicians who are stuck.
Entrepreneurs who want to get rid of mental blocks that stop them from making important decisions.
Here is a link to anther blog post and video on how brainspotting works.
If you are ready to heal your brain and try brainspotting therapy, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call. I provide brainspotting in Temecula, Murrieta area and brainspotting in Houston, TX. I see clients throughout Texas and California online.
Home remedies for insomnia: Create a sleep supporting bedroom
If you struggle with insomnia, chances are that falling asleep is an entire nightmare for you. So here is how you can prepare your bedroom so that you can actually sleep.
When you begin this process, think about the spa. Spas are designed to feel relaxing and comforting. While your bedroom doesn’t necessarily have to be a spa, it’s important to incorporate some of the qualities of a spa- for a relaxing vibe. It is possible to get great sleep even if you have struggled with insomnia for years.
If you struggle with insomnia, chances are that falling asleep is an entire nightmare for you. So here is how you can prepare your bedroom so that you can actually sleep.
When you begin this process, think about the spa. Spas are designed to feel relaxing and comforting. While your bedroom doesn’t necessarily have to be a spa, it’s important to incorporate some of the qualities of a spa- for a relaxing vibe. It is possible to get great sleep even if you have struggled with insomnia for years.
Think about your five senses.
When you set up your bedroom, it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, and it doesn’t have to take a whole lot of your time. It just has to engage your 5 senses.
Let’s start with your sense of sight.
Have you ever been to a cluttered spa ? Of course not. Simply walk into your bedroom and look around. Just kind of look around and tidy up a little bit because when there’s stuff everywhere it is going to affect your ability to sleep. This is especially true for those people whose thoughts are constantly racing.
Are the colors on your wall inviting? Or does it just kind of feel blah? Think of soothing neutral colors- or if you’re someone who likes a little pop of color on your walls (as long as that won’t affect your sleep)-that’s fine too. You won’t cure insomnia Ian one day, but it is possible to beat insomnia and the anxiety that comes with it.
Invest In Some Blackout Curtains
Black out curtains at night are also important to keep light out. You want things to be calm, so invest in some blackout curtains or close your blinds in the evening, so that your room doesn’t have a lot of light flowing in. Light is important because your body is naturally designed to wake up and get ready for the day when it sees sunlight. This could help you get rid of insomnia quickly.
Sense of Smell
What does your bedroom smell like? Is it inviting? Is it relaxing? Is it soothing? Or is it just kind of blah and funky? I am a big fan of diffusers and candles. I like to keep things pretty natural so I’m not a big fan of sprays- but just do whatever works best for you.
Use relaxing scents
Some scents that help to induce sleep are lavender, cedarwood, ylang ylang, chamomile and clary sage. Invest in some candles or some essential oils.
Air out your bedroom for better sleep
If you’re sensitive to smells, just make sure you air out your bedroom during the day so that your bedroom doesn’t have that bodily, funky smell at night. All of these little pieces together really can help to enhance your sleep.
Sense of Touch
Think about what it is that you wear to sleep. Is it soft? Does it make you hot and sweaty? Are you cold? Make sure your sleep environment is cool. Some people like to leave windows open.
Some people like to turn on a fan or turn on the air, or even both. If you are hot or sweaty at night it’s going to be more difficult to sleep.
Invest in some comfy pajamas. I’m a big fan of cotton because it’s breathable. Your sleepwear doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy- just comfortable and breathable.
Also think about your bedsheets. How often do you change your sheets? All of these things are very important for getting your body to be able to relax. You don’t have to get the most expensive sheets, but get some sheets that feel soft on your body. People who are sensitive to touch will have bad quality sleep if they’re on uncomfortable sheets. You don’t even have to get a whole bunch of sheets. You can get one or two and just wash them very often.
Sense of Taste
Some people like to drink things like chamomile tea about an hour or two before bed to kind of get the body to feel more relaxed.
A quick word about bedtimes.
It’s very important to remember that about an hour before your bedtime, (If you follow me on social media, you know that I’m always saying everybody needs a bedtime- even adults. You need a regular bedtime so that your body knows when you’re supposed to be falling asleep.
(Back to your sense of taste)
And this has to do with your body’s production of melatonin. An hour before your bedtime, cut off all eating because you don’t want your digestive system going a mile a minute when you’re trying to sleep.
Avoid spicy foods and foods that increase in gas, so that your body is settled at night. Now these rules do not apply to every person. But try different things and see what works for you.
Find out 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake and how you can finally sleep!!
Sense of Hearing
And then lastly we have sound. What does your bedroom sound like? If you live in the city and it’s super loud, you might want to drown out some of that noise. You can use a sound machine to play white noise or sounds of nature (you can find it on Amazon or Walmart). They are not super expensive.
You can also play white noise on your phone. You can listen to a sleep story (It’s basically just like a lullaby. Somebody just calmly reads a story to you and it quiets your thoughts and lulls your body to sleep).
As a busy adult, it is difficult to transition from busy day to brain shutting down and sleeping. That’s why I say spend an hour getting ready for bed- that includes turning off the news or anything that is triggering. (But that’s going to be another blog post).
Another thing that you can do is listen to a sleep meditation and do activities like deep breathing or a body scan that helps you relax your body from head to toe. I am also a fan of bio lateral music- check it out on YouTube.
So there you have it.
Those are things that you can do to create a good sleep environment. You don’t have to do all of those things in one day. Just do one thing a week, and before you know it your bedroom will be a great spa-like sleep environment.
If you have any questions, please leave me a comment. You can also follow me on Instagram for more sleep tips.
Women’s Online Insomnia Group
If you are a woman who is absolutely sick of insomnia, and you’re looking for a pill free solution for insomnia, I am running a woman’s online insomnia group.
In five sessions, you will learn how to finally get your body to sleep and stay asleep. Say goodbye to sleep anxiety and feeling like a zombie. Click here to learn more about my online women’s insomnia group.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
How to connect with your spouse with physical touch
Did you know a simple hug can bridge emotional gaps? In this blog, we explore how physical touch can deepen your bond and reignite connection. From holding hands to cuddling, discover ways to reconnect with your spouse. Learn more with tips from a Christian marriage counselor in Houston.
Here is a simple way to connect with your spouse if their love language is physical touch.
Now, before you roll your eyes at me or exit this page, let me just say that physical touch has absolutely NOTHING to do with sex.
If your love language isn’t physical touch, you might find It hard to connect in your marriage in that way. But I’m going to simplify it for you so that your marriage can be enriched and your spouse can feel all the more connected to you. Trust me, these are skills that couples in my therapy practice use all the time.
I find during my marriage counseling sessions that the number 1 issue that spouses face is trying to love their husband or wife using their own love language, rather than speaking their spouse’s specific language.
A quick note: Everyone has a love language. And physical touch can be anyone’s love language- even kids, teens, elderly parents and of course, spouses too.
Let’s get into it.
Invite more hugging into your marriage
A great way to connect using physical touch is through hugs. Many married couples do not hug enough. When I say ‘hug,’ I mean a warm embrace- not the awkward side church hug. You know the type- you use your hands to awkwardly touch the other person's shoulders and try hard to not have any other body parts connect.
When last did you actually hold on to your spouse? When your love language is physical touch, it means that you connect with others using your body. It’s not creepy or weird. It’s natural and human.
Before you leave the house, give your spouse a nice embrace. At night time or bed time, give your spouse a hug. When there’s a celebration, give your spouse a nice, warm hug. Actually wrap your hands around them and let them wrap their arms around you. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time.
A hug does not have to last 10 minutes. You can hold them for as little as 5 to 10 seconds, but doing this small gesture frequently, will really boost the connection in your marriage.
Married Couples should hold hands more often
This is another one I really like. When you’re taking a walk, getting the mail down the street or going to a restaurant, use that as an opportunity to hold hands with your spouse. Even if you’re sitting on the couch together and watching TV, reach your hand across, find theirs and hold it. When you go to church, a concert or engaging in another activity, just hold your spouse’s hand. If they’re having a difficult time, or expressing a big emotion, reach out to them and hold their hand.
That sends the message that you care and you see them. It also increases the connection in your marriage. Greater connection equals greater intimacy and friendship. See how it all ties together?
Sitting together with connected bodies
When you’re sitting on the couch together, ensure that some part of your bodies are touching. You could put your arm around their shoulder, place a hand on their lap or even touch knees. Any type of physical connection is what they need to stay in tune with you. See how easy that is? Small gestures go a long way.
If physical touch isn’t your love language, it might be daunting at first, but you’re not being asked to cuddle for 30 minutes a day or have sex daily. When you add all the little physical gestures, you might spend a total of 5 to 10 minutes a day speaking your spouses love language. It really doesn't take that long. And as you practice more often, it’ll get easier.
Cuddling increases intimacy in couples
Speaking of cuddling, this is also a great way to connect using physical touch. You don’t have to wait until nighttime to cuddle. A cuddle is just an extended hug or embrace so that your spouse feels seen, heard and connected.
If you’re thinking, “This is really hard,” tell yourself “This isn’t hard. It feels different, but it’s a way to deepen connection in my marriage.” Your spouse hopefully connects with you using your love language, so this is your way of showing them that you care.
Butt tap
This one is all about play, because I’m all for married couples being playful with each other- not every time so serious.
When your spouse is walking in front of you, you could reach out and tap them on the butt. It’s all in good fun. However, if they do not like it, then do not do it. Same thing with hand holding or any of the other physical touch gestures. Only touch your spouse in a way that creates comfort and safety- which is why communication is important in your marriage. Respect and consent are a great part of marriage or coupledom.
A light touch creates joy
A light touch when you’re speaking is also an underutilized form of physical connection in marriage. Sometimes when you’re in mid sentence, you can touch them lightly on the shoulder, on their lap or even on the arm. They need to feel you to feel connected.
Massages do not have to be sexual- although they could be if you both want to, but if that feels like too much pressure, then a massage can just be used as a tool for relaxation and connection. Do whatever types of massage that you both feel comfortable with. It can be a shoulder massage, back massage, head massage, foot massage- whatever works well for you.
As you’re giving a massage, you can ask them “Do you like this to be harder Orr softer?” “Do you like the smell of the body oil?”
There is no pressure or expectation for anything. Just focus on connecting. Period. Pick what works for you. If you absolutely hate touching feet, don’t give a foot massage. Focus on the areas you’re more comfortable with.
Note that you do not have to do all of the above suggestions. Just figure out what is comfortable for you. If you don’t like hugs or massages, focus on hand holding and sitting together. If you don’t like butt taps, but massages are fine, then focus on that. Just pick one or two of these tips and do them regularly.
If you are ready to take your relationship or marriage from stale and disconnected to feeling intimate and understood, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call to learn more about marriage counseling. I work with couples throughout California.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
5 signs that you need marriage counseling ASAP
The average couple waits about 6 years after the start of marital issues before seeking help. 6 years! That’s a long time. It’s over 2,000 days of unhappiness. Let me tell you a secret- you do not need to wait that long to establish the happy, fulfilling relationship that you want.
Now you don’t necessarily have to run to a couples therapist for every relationship issue. Not sure if you should seek marriage counseling? Here are 4 signs that you need couples therapy NOW.
The average couple waits about 6 years after the start of marital issues before seeking help. 6 years! That’s a long time. It’s over 2,000 days of unhappiness. Let me tell you a secret- you do not need to wait that long to establish the happy, fulfilling marriage or relationship that you want.
Now you don’t necessarily have to run to a couples therapist or marriage counselor for every relationship issue. Not sure if you should seek marriage counseling? Here are 5 signs that you need couples therapy NOW.
1) The friendship between you and your spouse feels flat
First of all, let me the say that couples therapy isn’t a bad thing- just like taking your car to the mechanic when the check engine light is on, is also not a bad thing.
If you feel like you’re just roommates, you also look over at your spouse and you don’t know them anymore- things just feel off, then It’s an indication that you do really need couples therapy.
Marriage counseling can change a mediocre marriage and make it spectacular. I do hear all the time that couples counseling will end a marriage. That’s not necessarily true. If your marriage ended after couples therapy, chances are that there were many underlying factors that came to the surface and led to the end of the marriage. Chances are those underlying issues would have bubbled up to the surface eventually.
2) You are always irritated by your spouse
There’s some normalcy to being irritated by your spouse every now and then. Disagreements happen all the time in marriage. But if every time you look over at your husband or wife, you feel like you cannot stand their guts, it’s time to have someone come in and help you repair the situation.
Marriage counseling is all about repairing past hurts and improving communication, so that you can move forward in your relationship. You also learn skills to prevent the same issue from coming up over and over again.
It s not about getting rid of all conflicts, marriage counseling helps you manage conflicts appropriately.
3) Your marriage feels like a constant series of arguments
When you notice that you are arguing about toast, the car, what time to wake up in the morning, or just all sorts of unimportant things, that’s a red flag. When you feel like you are strangers who are speaking different languages and no matter how hard you try, it feels like there’s always an argument, there’s another red flag.
You don’t have to continue to live in a situation where you aren’t speaking to each other or everything you say to each other causes annoyance. Marriage doesn't have to be that difficult.
Is it possible to repair a marriage where there has been silent treatment going on for years and years? Yes! Communication is a skill. In marriage counseling, you’ll learn how to talk to each other, how to manage your anger, how to communicate your feelings clearly to your spouse. You learn how to get each other to really listen, take in what you both are hearing and communicate appropriately. It sounds difficult, but with practice, you can do it effectively.
4) Infidelity, secrets and lies are running rampant in your marriage
I believe that there is physical, sexual, financial and emotional infidelity. When there is infidelity, it’s important to see a couples therapist or marriage counselor because talking through what happened is important if the couples wants to find healing.
I don’t believe in pretending that infidelity didn’t happen. You have to talk about it, the partner who engaged in the infidelity should also be repentant and honest about what happened. Chances are the partner who was hurt by the infidelity also wants answers.
In marriage counseling or couples therapy, you’ll address the details of the infidelity or secrets, what led to the infidelity and wats to prevent this from happening in the future. Infidelity, secrets and lies are symptoms of a deeper problem. It’s usually about intimacy and communication. However the spouse who was not involved in the infidelity should not be blamed.
Should you wait until there’s infidelity to go to marriage counseling? Nope. I believe that premarital counseling is important so that you start your marriage on a firm foundation. Most couples unfortunately skip this step.
5) You feel like running away from your marriage or your spouse
You avoid your spouse at all costs. You take the kids to all the extracurricular activities, you work late, wake up early- you just don’t want to see your spouse’s face. Sometimes there’s no infidelity, hatred, or arguing, but there’s a disconnect in your marriage. When your husband is leaving the house, you feel really happy. When he’s out of town, you get excited.
Couples therapy isn’t a bad thing. It’s not a taboo. Chances are you know a few people who have been to marriage counseling- they just aren’t telling you.
Couple counseling doesn't mean you’re on the road to divorce. It just means that you’re on your way to improve your marriage, improve your friendship with your spouse, improve intimacy, learn how to manage conflicts, accept each other and have a happier, healthier relationship.
Are you tired of being in a stale marriage in which you both are speaking different languages? Click here to schedule your 15-minute free consultation call to find out if marriage counseling in Murrieta/Temecula and online is right for you.
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About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Going to marriage counseling? Here's how to make the most out of it.
So you’ve started couples counseling. You’re nervous, some times you don’t want to be there, but you really want is to feel connected to your spouse. You’re tired of the arguments, the cold shoulders and feeling like you live with your roommate.
Here are 5 simple tips to help you make the most out of marriage counseling.
So you’ve started couples counseling. You’re nervous. Sometimes you don’t even. want to be there, but what you really want is to feel connected to your spouse. You’re tired of the arguments, the cold shoulders and feeling like you live with a roommate.
Here are 5 simple tips to help you make the most out of marriage counseling.
1) Be clear about your goal for marriage counseling
It’s important to know what you want to get out of couples therapy before you start. For marriage therapy to be successful, both partners must be active participants in the counseling process. Sure, sometimes one partner drags the other one into therapy, but it’s so much more productive when both of you want to be there.
Ask yourself, “What do I want my relationship to look like in 3 months, 6 months or 1 year?” Write down the specifics. Your spouse should do this exercise as well as he or she might have a different outcome in mind.
What would your friends and family members notice about your relationship if marriage counseling or therapy has worked? Write it down.
What will your interactions with your partner look like? How would they be different? Write it down.
What would your kids notice at the dinner table or at bedtime? Write it down.
How will you both handle arguments or conflict if couples therapy was a success? Write it down.
People who come into couples therapy without any goals run the risk of falling out of therapy quicker or dragging out the process endlessly with limited results.
2) Shift your mindset before starting couples therapy or marriage counseling
This starts before you actually talk to your marriage counselor for the first time. It’s important to have a positive mindset before starting couples therapy.
If you believe that marriage counseling won’t work for you- it probably won’t. If you go into therapy thinking, “This sucks. It won’t work.” Or “I don’t want to be here,” then chances are, you won’t be attentive in session, your arms will be crossed the entire time, and you won’t follow through with any of the feedback that your couples therapist gives you. It becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.
But if you think “I know I will be asked to try new things. I know that this will be different and I’ll be asked to grow and stretch,” you’ll be in much better shape. Remember that even if you think your husband for wife is the problem, both of you have a role to play in improving your marriage or relationship. Don’t go in there thinking “I have nothing to change. I’m perfect.” Be willing to change something about your behavior, thoughts and dynamics.
3) Get a couples therapy notebook
I say this to all my clients- even those in individual therapy. Most of the work of marriage counseling happens outside of therapy. You only spend about an hour in session, but most of your life is lived outside of the therapy session. There are 23 other hours in the day.
It’s important that you still continue to process and explore what you learned in couples therapy when you’re out and about. As a homework giving therapist who believes that couples therapy should work, I expect my clients to write things that come up for them outside of session, so you can bring it into the marriage counseling session and have a more productive session.
Sometimes you come into session thinking, “There was something I wanted to tell my therapist, but now I’ve forgotten.” Your couples therapy notebook is the perfect place to keep a record of interactions within your marriage. These interactions don’t have to be negative ones. You can also write down positive things like progress you’re making, fun times that are happening, and ways that your relationship is flourishing. This keeps you motivated to keep going in therapy. Therapy shouldn’t just focus on the bad, so track the good.
4) It’s important to actually implement the skills you’re learning in couples therapy
Even if your couples therapist has 7 PhDs and 5 master’s degrees, or he literally wrote the book on couples therapy, your relationship will remain the same if you’re not implementing what you’re learning in marriage counseling. Same goes for individual and family therapy.
Therapy is a way to grow, stretch yourself and stretch your relationship. Even though therapy can be uncomfortable, remember that growth comes with discomfort.
You could be asked to use a softer tone, rather than raising your voice. Or to say “Thank you” more often or to soften your body language. No growth can happen if you continue the way things were.
5) Let your guard down when you go to marriage counseling
It’s normal to be a bit apprehensive, skeptical or afraid when you begin couples therapy. As a therapist, I don’t just throw you to the deep end. I’m able to create safety in the session. This is why I do a free 15-minute consultation call before we begin our work together- so that I ensure that both you and your spouse are ready to begin the process of marriage counseling.
I know it is very difficult to let your guard down in couples therapy- after all, no one goes to marriage counseling because their relationship is perfect. You’re here to fix the areas that are broken. But if your guard is up the entire time, you won’t be able to implement the skills you will learn.
On average most couples wait about 6 years before they go to see a couples therapist. You do not have to wait that long. If something feels off in your marriage or relationship, reach out to a couples therapist.
If you implement these tips I mentioned, chance are couples therapy will work for you. If you are ready to stop the arguing, refresh your marriage and create a lasting love again, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call to see if marriage counseling in Murrieta and online is right for you.
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About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
Ready to get rid of anxiety, finally kick insomnia or for marriage counseling?