Christian Therapist for women with anxiety and trauma throughout CA & TX
5 simple ways to stay connected (or reconnect) with your spouse even if you have no extra time in your day
You’re a busy bee. Between work, taking care of the kids, managing a household and planning for your goals and dreams, you barely have a second to yourself- let alone hours and hours to spend with your spouse. These are some of the simple tips that I give to my couples who are in marriage or couples counseling.
You’re a busy bee. Between work, taking care of the kids, managing a household and planning for your goals and dreams, you barely have a second to yourself- let alone hours and hours to spend with your spouse.
You’ve heard that quality time is important to keep things fresh in your marriage, but where are you supposed to find all this time?
That’s why I’m here. Here are 5 simple ways to stay connected to (or reconnect with) your spouse even if you have no extra time in your day. These are some of the simple tips that I give to my couples who are in marriage or couples counseling.
1) Give your spouse a hearty goodbye whenever you’re leaving the house
When you and your husband or wife are leaving the house for work, for vacation or just to run errands, don’t just run out the door like strangers, create a leaving ritual that’s unique to the both of you.
It could be something as simple as a goodbye kiss, it could be a hug, or it could be a simple “See you later!” It doesn't have to be complicated, but it’s a kind way to let your spouse know that you see them. Never run out of the house without letting your spouse know.
2) Warm greeting when you return home
In marriage counseling, I find that many couples stop greeting each other warmly. This leads to the slow death of a friendship and the waning of intimacy between them.
When you get back home after a long day, say something sweet to your spouse. Give them a smile, a wink, a hug or just say “Hey!” try to do it with a smile on your face. That communicates trust and warmth.
3) Have regular quality mealtimes
Many married couples and families have strayed away from family meals together. I get it, schedules are busy. You don’t necessarily have to eat meals together every single day, but carve out at least 1 meal a week where you get to just eat and talk.
What’s a quality meal time? It’s not about what’s on the menu, but it’s about being attuned to your spouse. Put the phones and devices away and just talk.
These meals don’t have to be formal. You don’t even have to sit at a dining table or have place setting. It doesn’t matter if you cook an elaborate meal, order a meal service or eat a frozen dinner- as long as you are both together.
4) Make bedtimes special
Bedtime can become so mundane. You both plop into the bed and drift off to sleep like exhausted puppies. In many cases, one partner is a morning bird, while the other is a night owl- making bedtimes a source of constant argument in your marriage.
What if you actually set specific times each week where you get to spend an extra 30 minutes together?
At the beginning of the week, look at both your calendars and decide what days and times you’ll both be able to meet this week. Decide what activities you’ll engage in. Some couples watch a weekly show together, some tea a book together, some just talk.
I tell all of my couples to download the Gottman card decks app. It’s a free app that has tons of ideas of conversation starters for you and your spouse. Make your conversations a lot more meaningful.
5) Have regular stress reducing conversations
Stress is one of the biggest reasons why couples seek marriage counseling in my Murrieta office. You and your partner both have so much sitting on your shoulders, and you’re not sure who to turn to.
Make a regular ritual out of talking about your days. If you are in the habit of going on and on about work- to the anger of your spouse- set a timer.
Give each partner 20 minutes to talk about the ups and downs of your day. For the listening partner, your job is to validate and support- not to complain or correct your spouse.
This creates a sense of unity and intimacy. If your partner is carrying the whole world on his or her shoulders, it’ll definitely affect the quality of your relationship. So try this.
Ready to take your marriage to a place of true intimacy and connection, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call so we can find out if couples counseling in Temecula is right for you.
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About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
How to prepare for your first marriage counseling session
You and your partner have been struggling for a while. You’ve tried to patch things up, but to no avail. It seems like you’re arguing every other day. And you can’t stand it anymore.
You decided to contact a marriage counselor, after all you’ve heard that couples counseling can really improve your relationship.
Before you attend your first couples therapy or marriage counseling session, here’s what you should know:
You and your partner have been struggling for a while. You’ve tried to patch things up, but to no avail. It seems like you’re arguing every other day. And you can’t stand it anymore.
You decided to contact a marriage counselor, after all you’ve heard that couples counseling can really improve your relationship.
Before you attend your first couples therapy or marriage counseling session, here’s what you should know:
Start with a great mindset before you begin couples therapy or couples counseling
Sometimes, when couples come to see me in my marriage counseling office in Murrieta, they are usually expecting their marriage counselor (me) to do all the work. The truth is that your couples therapist is simply a guide. He or she gives you the tools you need and it is the job of you and your spouse to implement the skills.
Simply listening attentively when you are in relationship counseling is not enough. You need to actually implement what you’re being taught. So step one of being successful in couples therapy, is to have a learning mindset.
Be ready to try new things- no matter how scary it might be. if you start therapy believing it will fail, your sessions will probably fail. But if you go in with a positive and proactive mindset, you’re setting yourself and your marriage up for success.
Identify your marriage counseling goals
To make the process a lot smoother, it’s important that your relationship counselor or marriage counselor knows what you and your spouse are expecting to gain from couples therapy.
Spend some time thinking about this before your first session. A simple way to pinpoint your marriage counseling goals, is to close your eyes, fast forward to 6 months from now and imagine what you want your day to day life to look like.
Where will you live?
Where will both you and your spouse sleep?
What will your daily interactions with your spouse look like?
How will you feel when your partner walks into the room?
How will you both manage conflicts?
How will your communication with your spouse change?
Who will notice these changes?
Let your couples therapist know this so that everyone is on the same page.
Get a couples therapy or marriage counseling notebook
This isn’t mandatory, but when you’re in couples therapy or couples counseling, it’s important to have a system to document what you’re learning. A lot of difficult emotions will be stirred up in your couples counseling sessions.
Your notebook is a great place to journal about your feelings after sessions, and also a great place to store any homework your therapist gives you. That way you will be staying present and you won’t let anything fall through the cracks.
Your couples therapy notebook is also a place to celebrate wins, practice communication skills and to jot down any big issues that come up for you in between couples counseling sessions. That’ll make your sessions be a lot more productive.
These are some simple ways to get yourself ready for your first marriage counseling or relationship counseling session.
If you are sick and tired of a stale, loveless marriage, couples counseling in the Murrieta/Temecula area might be just what you need to turn your marriage around. Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with me- a licensed marriage and family therapist for people in Murrieta and throughout California.
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About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
How to find an amazing marriage counselor or couples counselor in Murrieta/Temecula and beyond
When you said “I do,” you had visions of marital bliss. You imagined that you and your spouse were going to walk happily ever after into the sunset.
But shortly, after you got married, things changed. Little things he said infatuated you.
You both feel like 2 ships passing in the night. It’s like both of you are speaking a foreign language. You’ve tried everything to fix its but it’s just not working.
When you said “I do,” you had visions of marital bliss. You imagined that you and your spouse were going to walk happily ever after into the sunset.
But shortly, after you got married, things changed. Little things he said infatuated you.
You both feel like 2 ships passing in the night. It’s like both of you are speaking a foreign language. You’ve tried everything to fix its but it’s just not working.
Never fear, marriage counseling is a great way to reclaim your friendship with your spouse, learn how to communicate clearly and learn how to manage conflict without pain.
Here’s how to find an amazing marriage counselor in the Murrieta/Temecula area (or pretty much anywhere you live).
1) Ask your friends, family or loved ones for a referral for marriage counseling
Chances are you know at least one person who has spoken to a couples therapist or marriage counselor before. Marriage counseling is much more common than you think. Although there is still quite a bit of stigma around going to see a therapist, I assure you that therapy is a great way to improve your relationship and work towards the amazing marriage you’ve dreamed of for such a long time.
One of the simplest ways to find a couples therapist is to go to a therapist who has helped someone you know. Ask your friends what they liked about their couples therapist, what they didn’t like about the therapist, what the therapist’s style is like and what you can expect if you decide to see her fo marriage counseling.
This is a great way to determine whether that therapist will be a good fit for you.
Once you get the referrals, schedule a free consultation call with that that therapist, so you can get a sense of her vibe. It is very important that your therapist is an amazing fit for both you and your spouse.
2) Search for marriage counseling or a couples therapist on Google
These days you can pretty much find anything online. Because Google is the number 1 search engine out there, it’s also a great resource for finding someone who can help you with marriage counseling in Murrieta or marriage counseling in Temecula.
To increase your options, you could also consider virtual marriage or couples counseling (which can be just as effective as in person couples therapy). Expand your search to pretty much any city within your state. Marriage counselors and licensed marriage and family therapists are licensed to be able to see everyone within their state. That means, if you live in Murrieta, you don’t just have to see a marriage counselor in Murrieta. You could see a couples therapist in Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, or any city in California.
Your options are limitless.
Consider typing the following search terms in Google:
Marriage counseling Murrieta
Marriage counseling Temecula
Marriage counseling in Riverside
Marriage therapist Murrieta
Couples therapist Murrieta
Couples counseling in Temecula
Relationship counseling Los Angeles
If you want to narrow your search, you can be even more specific. For example, if you’re looking for a Black, Christian couples therapist, you can type in:
Black couples therapist Murrieta
Christian couples counseling Temecula
Female Black therapist Murrieta
Scroll through the therapist’s website, read the words on the page and pick about 3 therapists you feel a connection with. Once this is done, it’s time to schedule that free consultation call so that you can ask the therapist or counselor any questions you have and find out more about the way they work.
Remember, it’s your session, so you deserve to see a therapist you are comfortable with.
3 ) Look for a couples therapist or marriage counseling on a therapy directory
Therapy and mental health directories are a great way to find a couples therapist. You can narrow your search by:
Therapist’s gender
Therapist’s specialty (couples counseling, infidelity, infertility, anxiety, women’s issues, etc.)
Therapist’s location and zip code
Cost of services
Therapist’s faith
Language the therapist’s speaks
The types of therapy that the therapist utilizes (some therapists specialize in Gottman Therapy, Imago Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy and some use Prepare-Enrich).
After narrowing down the search terms, pick about 5 therapists you are drawn to. Read their profiles and further narrow down your search to 3 therapists.
The next step is to reach out to the therapists to schedule a free consultation call. On the call you’ll get a better sense of the therapist’s personality, her approach to therapy and whether or not you and your spouse will be a great fit for her.
Here’s where it’ll be important to trust your gut. Go with the person who feels like the best fit for you and your partner.
In the event that it doesn’t work out, it’s okay to break up with your therapist and find someone else. Keep trying until you find the right therapist.
Some mental health directories to try:
There are tons of therapy and counseling directories out there. Here are a few you could try:
If you are looking to regain the connection and friendship you had with your spouse and stop the endless cycle of arguments, I’m a Christian therapist who provides marriage counseling in the Murrieta/Temecula area. I also work online with clients throughout California.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
The Top 5 Myths About Working with a Black Therapist or Counselor in Riverside County
You’ve been struggling for a moment, so you do a Google search for a therapist. You review a few websites, and some of those therapists are Black. You however, are not sure whether or not you want to work with a Black therapist.
Here are a few myths about working with a Black therapist that we probably should clear up.
1) You have to be Black to work with a Black therapist
Let’s just shatter this now. Black therapists didn't get masters degrees and PhD’s to learn solely about the minds and experiences of Black people. We do have the experience and ability to help people of all backgrounds. While of course, a lot of Black and African American therapists do try to increase access to mental health services in Black communities and other communities of color, many Black therapists will be more than happy to work with you if you’re not Black.
It is important to examine your biases though. How do you really feel about working with a Black therapist?
2) You can’t tell a Black therapist your business- it’ll make you look weak.
I’ve heard it said that some people don’t want to talk to a Black therapist- because of the stereotype of the strong, Black woman. We sometimes assume that Black women do not feel pain (physical and/or emotional) and so, they will not be able to relate to your struggles. Sometimes there’s a myth that they will judge you because your problems aren’t “Bad enough.”
This cannot be further from the truth. Black women (and therapists) are just as capable of feeling physical and emotional pain as everyone else. In fact, I can say that we love it when our clients experience emotional breakthroughs, become vulnerable and begin to unpack emotional baggage.
So go ahead- relax your shoulders and feel free to begin to share with your therapist.
3) You can’t address issues of race, injustice and privilege
Sometimes there might be a feeling of guilt. You assume that because your therapist is Black she has struggled with racial trauma, and so you don’t want to ‘burden’ her with your own stories of racial injustice and pain.
As therapists, we are highly trained. We do not do this work because we are looking for pity or guilt form our clients. We have many skills to help us separate our own experiences from the experiences of our clients. We do not have to experience everything that our clients have in order to help them. Think about it this way- a doctor can fix your broken arm without ever having the experience of a broken arm.
As a Black therapist, I have to say that part of my professionalism is to be able to immerse myself into your experience, then help you process through it and come out with greater clarity. So please, share whatever you need to. It makes the therapy experience much better.
4) A Black therapist will expect me to pray or go to church
Nope! Remember that not all Black therapists are Christian and not all Black therapists actually pray. On top of that, therapists learn how to set clear boundaries and do what is best for our clients.
As a Black, Christian therapist, I absolutely do not force prayer, the Bible or my spiritual beliefs down my clients’ throats. I do not integrate faith without your consent. And even if you are a Christian, and you tell me that you do not want your faith integrated into your treatment, there is no judgment from me.
Judgement actually gets in the way of all the great work we can do together.
5) Working with a Black therapist will be just like talking to my sister or friend
Your therapist is NOT your friend. You won’t be going to lunch with her, celebrating your birthday with her, going on vacation with her or going to the spa with her. Unlike your friend, your therapist is there to help you meet your goals- not just nod, smile and agree with everything you say.
That being said, your therapist has your best interest at heart and wants to see you win.
Your therapist is laser focused on guiding you to a positive outcome. Sometimes your friends are unable to address difficult issues with you or set clear boundaries, because they are afraid that they will lose your friendship. Your therapist on the other hand, is willing to risk losing you as a client when she sets clear boundaries with you.
I hope the above myths have been cleared up.
If you are a high achieving woman of color in California who is ready to break free from your toxic past, stop the people pleasing and get comfortable with visibility, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. I also help couples get their spark back, and women with insomnia who want to simply learn how to fall asleep and stay asleep.
If you’re looking for a virtual support group for women of color, Read more about Lay Down Your Burdens: A Virtual support group for women of color here.
Want to read other related posts?
New to therapy: Questions to ask a Black therapist before beginning therapy
The Top 5 Truths About Working with a Black Therapist in the Murrieta/Temecula area
The Murrieta/Temecula area is a great place to live. It’s a family friendly neighborhood with lots of upwardly mobile professionals. It’s also a great place to raise kids. The beauty of living in Riverside County is that we are close enough to San Diego County, Orange County and Los Angeles County- we get the best of 4 worlds.
When it comes to seeing a therapist, it’s important to meet with someone who really sees you and gets you. It can be tough when majority of your session time is spent explaining yourself, code switching, and trying to force a fit that isn’t there.
We know that representation matters, and for many Black women and women of color, they typically tell me that it is important that their therapist is culturally sound, sensitive and in the know. And sometimes that means working with a Black therapist or a therapist of color.
If you’ve ever felt guilty about wanting to work with a Black therapist- Don’t. The single most important factor in choosing a solid therapist is the relationship between you and your therapist. So go with whomever works best for you.
If you’ve been thinking about getting signed up for therapy, here are 4 truths about working with a Black or African American therapist:
A Black therapist is always ready to give you a kick in the butt
Let’s just dive in to this one shall we?
As Black people, we are known for telling it like it is. Sometimes when you work with a Black therapist, she expects that you be willing to peel back the layers, be honest and open. Black therapists often like to hold you accountable. If you say you want to get something done in therapy, we are typically not afraid to call you out when you don’t get it done.
I personally believe that therapy should work. Therapy isn’t social hour. It’s not the place to laugh it up and socialize- although there might be some laughter involved in therapy. Therapy is supposed to help you accomplish goals, feel better and improve your relationship with yourself and others.
I know that before you call me, you have spent quite a bit of time researching, listening to podcasts, reading books and trying to utilize every possible tool you have available. So when you come in to work with me, I assume that you’re ready to roll those sleeves up and Get. To. Work.
It’s my job to give you support, but when you need a swift kick in the butt, I’m here to give you just that.
You don’t need to explain much to a Black therapist. She just gets it
One of the major complaints I hear from clients when they’ve been working with a therapist who is not a great fit for them, is that therapy felt like they were spending all their time explaining every little detail of their lives to the therapist. They had to explain details about their hair and culture, they had to explain what a micro aggression is, they had to explain colorism, they had to code switch. They also had to worry about coming across like the angry, Black, woman. Some said they felt a need to come across as strong.
When you’re working with a Black therapist, we know how to read between the lines. We typically don’t try to convince you that a micro aggression is not a micro aggression. We don’t try to convince you that your feelings are all in your head. And we certainly will not be asking you 987 questions about your hair, jewelry, head wrap or personal style.
Because we have had some similar experiences as you, we are able to empathize with you. We understand the subtle nuances and what they mean. We get the inflection in your voice, the discomfort you feel around certain people, the struggle of feeling like you’re too much, too Black, too educated, too successful, or that some people think you single handedly are responsible for the thoughts and opinions of every Black person.
Now does that mean every single Black therapist will be a great fit for you? Nope! I highly suggest that you request a consultation and look through the therapist’s website before you decide if she’s a great fit for you. Here’s a link to a blog post I wrote about questions to ask before picking a Black therapist.
The level of comfort is refreshing
Making the decision to begin therapy is difficult. I mean therapy is essentially you filleting open your life to a stranger and hoping that they will provide you with the support and safety you need to resolve the issues that brought into therapy in the first place.
It’s no joke. And it could be uncomfortable.
As a Black therapist, I do not take my position lightly. I know the level of vulnerability it takes to open up to a stranger (I’m not a stranger to therapy myself. Yup! I practice what I preach). I also understand the layers of systemic racism, environmental struggle, family dynamics, toxic work environments, on top of your own personal emotional struggles. When I work with my clients, I see them as people first, but I certainly do not brush issues of race, gender, socio economic status and politics aside.
When you sit across a Black therapist, many of us understand that there are so many layers lurking beneath the surface. We understand that your life is complex and we do not lump you into stereotypes and misconceptions about Black people or other people of color.
That level of acceptance is refreshing. Most people spend a huge portion of their lives trying to find that level of acceptance. You get to truly experience that when you work with a Black therapist.
Your Black therapist is not your friend
This is the part where I break your heart. As your therapist, I am absolutely not your friend. Now, I know when you work with a great therapist, it feels like a sisterhood. It feels so warm and fuzzy because you’re able to laugh, cry, get mad, and talk about issues you’ve never been able to talk to anyone else about.
You feel seen for the first time. You get lots of feedback about why you are the way you are. You are able to change your thought patterns, let go of your toxic past, repair relationships and regain a new sense of who you are. But even though your therapist can be your greatest cheerleader, she is not your friend.
A friend has a hard time seeing your patterns and telling you how it is. A friend is typically not trained in human behavior and patterns. A friend also will probably not call you out in a way that is both gentle and effective. If your therapist were your friend (which is unethical by the way), the emotional connection will get in the way of the logic and years of training we use to steer you in the right direction and guide you towards your goals.
I hope this is helpful in peeling back the layers about therapy. There is such a huge stigma about going to therapy in communities of color. It is my hope that we are able to chip away at the stigma so that we can create generational healing.
If you are a high achieving woman of color in California who is ready to break free from your toxic past, stop the people pleasing, let go of anxiety and get comfortable with visibility, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. I also help couples get their spark back, and women with insomnia who want to simply learn how to fall asleep and stay asleep.
If you’re looking for a virtual support group for women of color, Read more about Lay Down Your Burdens: A Virtual support group for women of color here.
Want to read other related posts?
New to therapy: Questions to ask a Black therapist before beginning therapy
What to expect when working with a Black Therapist
You’ve been struggling for a long time. You know you need help. But finding a therapist can be a daunting task. It is even more daunting to find a Black therapist or a therapist of color. Some of your friends and family members seem to think that going to therapy is a waste of time. However, you know that you’re tired of doing it alone. You don’t want to be stuck in the same old cycle of feeling invisible, invalidated, anxious and tired. You’re willing to give therapy a try.
You’ve been struggling for a long time. You know you need help. But finding a therapist can be a daunting task. It is even more daunting to find a Black therapist or a therapist of color. Some of your friends and family members seem to think that going to therapy is a waste of time. However, you know that you’re tired of doing it alone. You don’t want to be stuck in the same old cycle of feeling invisible, invalidated, anxious and tired. You’re willing to give therapy a try.
You might be on the fence about seeing a therapist, but here’s what you can expect when working with a Black therapist.
It’s important to note that not every Black therapist is the same- just like not every Black person is the same. We are a heterogenous group. Which is what makes us so wonderful.
Expect to be your real self when you work with a Black therapist
One of my favorite things about being a Black therapist is I get to see the real you. Many women of color often put on a persona- which is necessary for their survival and wellbeing in society. But when working with a Black therapist, you can expect to be you. Come as you are.
You don’t have to worry about how you speak, what you wear, or about being judged. We understand the immense amount of strength you have to possess just to be successful as a Black woman or a woman of color. You don’t have to bring your persona with you into session. Just do you.
I especially love it when we get to talk in slang, when we say “Mhhmmmm” or when we’re able to look at each other knowingly without speaking a word.
Expect some bluntness from your Black therapist
Here’s my therapist secret. I find that I am a lot more blunt when I work with Black women. Generally, Black people like to say it as it is. We typically are not a beat around the bush type of people.
I’m not mean, rude or judgmental, but I do call you out when I suspect that you are hiding, not living to your full potential or when you’re getting too comfortable in a toxic place. It is my way of gently guiding you towards your therapeutic goals. My job is to guide you so that you leave therapy feeling a lot better than when you started. Therapy should work.
Expect confidentiality from your Black therapist (and every therapist)
Black therapists practice according to the exact same code of ethics and laws that non-Black therapists do. So I will keep our sessions confidential- unless we are talking about mandated reporting requirements (child abuse, elder abuse and dependent adult abuse). Your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell your aunties, uncles, mama and all the other people.
Expect a serious level of comfort with your Black therapist
Often times, Black women and women of color come to me because they are looking for a therapist they can relate to and who can also relate to them. You want someone who understands what it feels like to be misjudged or discriminated against. You want someone who understands what it is like to be on the receiving end of microaggressions. You want someone who gets the subtle nuances of being Black.
When you sit in a session with a Black therapist, expect to feel as if you are home. Expect to slowly feel your burdens lifting and to be in a place of safety and comfort. It’s everything you never knew you needed until you got it.
Expect to maintain professional boundaries with your Black therapist
Working with a Black therapist isn’t the same as talking to your friends or sisters. Although you might feel a sense of connection and comfort, your therapist is not your friend. Expect to be listened to and to work on some clear goals. But do not expect your therapist to attend birthday parties, to text you back and forth all day or to friend you on social media.
Therapy with me isn’t long term. When you come to me, we outline some pretty specific goals. We check in on those goals periodically, and when those goals have been met, it’ll be time for you to graduate. I’m not a crutch or a lifelong friend. I’m simply the guide that gets you through the tunnel or that help soul you out of quick sand.
If you are every confused about where the boundary lines should be, it’s okay to ask your therapist.
Expect to not have to explain every nuance of your life to your Black therapist
The most beautiful thing abut working with a Black therapist is that sometimes she just knows. You don’t have to explain why your hair was short last week and is now long. You don’t have to explain why you felt uncomfortable when you were singled out at that conference. You also don’t have to explain why you feel nervous driving and shopping in certain parts of town. She just knows.
Now does that mean you will never have to clarify anything or that your therapist is a mind reader? Nope. It just means that a therapist who understands the intersection of race in an American society is already well versed in a lot of your experiences.
That being said, not all Black therapists are of the same ethnicity. Some Black therapists are African, some are South American, some are European, some are Australian, some are Asian. Never assume your Black therapist grew up in your same neighborhood under similar circumstances. We don’t want to stereotype.
If you are ready to work with a Black female therapist who can help you get unstuck and can finally work on reducing anxiety, insomnia or repairing your relationship, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call.
Want to read other related blog posts?
New to therapy: Questions to ask a Black therapist before beginning therapy
Ready to get rid of anxiety, finally kick insomnia or for marriage counseling?