Christian Counseling in Houston, Texas for women

Also providing Christian counseling in the Murrieta, Temecula area and throughout California

You’ve been struggling for a while. But no one has noticed. You wake up in the morning, and thoughts of doubt and fear run through your mind. You have a strong prayer life, but you’re struggling.

You’ve always been the type of woman who knows what she wants- and you’re not afraid to go for it. You don’t fit in any boxes.

But lately, things from your past seem to be coming up to the surface. You’ve tried so hard to keep it buried. You most definitely DO NOT want your past to hold you back from greatness.

On the outside, you have it all together- the career, the home, the toys, the responsibilities. But deep inside, you feel like things are slowly crumbling.

You’ve tried every possible thing at your disposal.

You’ve searched Youtube videos, blog posts, you’ve read every book and of course, you pray and read your Bible.

But you can’t ignore this problem any longer.

You’ve thought about going to counseling or therapy, but you wonder if a boring therapist will be able to help you. Maybe you’ve even dipped your toes in the therapy waters, but you met with someone who didn’t look like you, who didn’t understand you and who most certainly didn’t get that your faith and values are a part of all that you do.

That’s where I come in.

As a Black Christian therapist in Houston, my job is to help you figure out how to let go of the anxiety and trauma that plague you, so that you can continue to check goals off your list, enjoy your relationships, get the weight off your chest, and be the woman you’ve always pictured in your head.

I’m not here to change you. I help you better understand how your past has led you here. When you’re in therapy with me, you can be your true self- not the person you’ve been pretending to be.

As a therapist, I show up just as I am. I’m NOT the traditional therapist in the pants suit and the expressionless head nod. Yuck!

I am a loud laughing, eye brow raising, joke telling, let’s roll up your sleeves therapist. People come to me because they’re sick and tired of how things are going, and they want actual tools.

If you’re tired of talk therapy, I also utilize brainspotting-it’s a non-traditional therapy that helps heal your brain from trauma and anxiety (without re-traumatizing you or making you talk about it over and over again). Brianspotting is kind of like EMDR therapy, but gentler. Let’s rewire your brain, get you unstuck, so you can continue to be the boss that you are.

If you are finally ready to stop drowning in anxiety, and you’re willing to try something new, click here to schedule your free 15-minute consultation call.

Freedom is waiting for you.

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