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Questions to ask a prospective marriage counselor or therapist in Houston
Starting marriage counseling could be nerve-racking – especially if you've never been to marriage counseling in Houston before. You get some referrals from your church or maybe you get referrals from friends and loved ones. They tell you to check out this amazing marriage counselor, but you’re not even sure what to ask them when you finally get on the phone with them.
Here are some simple questions that you can ask a prospective relationship therapist in Houston, to ensure that you get the best marriage counseling in Houston.
1) What is your couples counseling style?
All marriage counseling in Houston is NOT created equally. Some relationship therapists in Houston have so much better skill than others. It is important that you find the best marriage counseling in Houston for you. Marriage counseling can easily become a referee separating two opponents. And you don’t want that. You want emotional safety and understanding.
The best couples counselors in Houston know that it is very important to have an in-depth assessment, so that they can better understand your emotional history, the way you were raised, your specific environment, your personality, as well as everything that makes you who you are.
Great couples counseling in Houston should actually involve specific skills to help you change the way you interact with your spouse. So don't be shy to ask your potential marriage counselor to go in depth about their marriage counseling style. Your marriage is too important to skip over this.
2) How long will we meet for marriage counseling and how often?
In my opinion, great marriage counseling in Houston should occur every week- at least at the beginning of couples counseling sessions. When you begin marriage counseling, you and your spouse are probably in a pretty bad place in your relationship and you're both willing to do the work now. Great relationship therapy in Houston or couples therapy in Houston should be consistent.
If you do not see your Houston marriage counselor frequently enough, you can easily lose motivation and go back to old habits that landed your marriage in the position that you are right now. So in order to see change, it is important that you are willing to see your marriage therapist each week until you have met all your goals.
Which brings us to goals. A great marriage counselor will set specific goals so that you know whether or not the therapy is working.
3) How much does marriage counseling in Houston cost?
Marriage counseling in Houston is often not covered by insurance. However, do not take my word for it. I highly suggest that you call your insurance company to see if they provide reimbursement for marriage counseling. It is important that before the sessions begin, you ask the therapist how much the sessions would cost. That way you and your spouse can put this recurring cost into your monthly budget.
I like to get this part out of the way so that once we begin couples counseling, our only focus should be on the health of your relationship, rather than finances.
It is important to note that marriage counseling in Houston, and everywhere else, is an additional skill that not every licensed marriage and family therapist or licensed clinical counselor or licensed clinical social worker is great at. In graduate school, many of us did not get adequate knowledge and skills for conducting marriage counseling.
That being said, marriage counseling is a specialized skill and it could possibly be costly. But do not necessarily go for the cheapest marriage counselor, go for the one who is the best marriage counselor for you. Marriage counseling is cheaper than a divorce.
4) Will we be doing any formal assessments during couples therapy or will this be casual?
I might be biased, but I believe that great marriage counseling should involve formal assessments, so that your therapist is not just guessing. You want your therapist to actually have scientific back up to know where your strengths are as well as where your weaknesses are. This saves a lot of time on guessing games.
However, you might not like formal assessments. So it is important to know whether or not a couples counselor will be using formal assessments- so that you can decide whether or not they are a great fit for you.
5) What happens if me and my spouse have an argument in a marriage counseling session?
There is a possibility that marriage counseling sessions could get heated. Sometimes your spouse will bring up something that gets on your last nerves- and you might decide to yell at him. At the beginning of marriage counseling sessions in Houston, usually everybody is on their best behavior, but as you begin to get more comfortable with your therapist, the wild side can show up.
Ask the couples therapist exactly what they will do should both of you start to go at it in session. This is important, so that you know whether or not this relationship therapist is a great fit for you.
Notice that I talk about goodness of fit a lot. In my opinion, the best marriage counselor for you would be one whose skills, educational background, and personality match you and your partners. Some marriage counselors are more uptight, some are more jokey (like me), and some have no personality. Pick the one whom both of you are the most comfortable with.
6) How do we know when we are ready to graduate from marriage counseling in Houston?
Marriage counseling in Houston should not go on forever. Although it may feel nice to be heard and to be in a validating environment, there has to be an end to couples therapy at some point. Ask your Houston relationship therapist if they have any type of outcome measures to help you understand how close you are to getting to your goal. That way you're not playing the guessing game and wondering when this whole couples therapy thing will be over.
The best marriage counselors in Houston are the ones who are transparent and whose clients are able to trust them.
7) Do you have additional training in marital counseling or relationship therapy?
Marriage counseling is actually a specialized skill which many therapists and counselors do not possess. Although I am called a licensed marriage and family therapist, that title can actually be deceptive.
In many therapy graduate programs, the students are not provided with as much knowledge of marriage counseling as they could be. Because of this, many of us therapists seek additional training and supervision in the art of marriage counseling after we are done with our degrees. Let me say that again. The best marriage counselors in Houston keep learning and growing.
Ask any potential marriage counselor in Houston if they have additional training in couples therapy or relationship therapy. You could even ask them what that additional training is.
For me, I am trained in level 1 and 2 of the Gottman method. This is one of the most renowned marriage counseling methods. It is research-based and produces positive results. So ask. Your marriage is worth it.
8) What are your credentials?
You can ask them what their credentials are. Are they a life coach? Are they a relationship coach? Are they a licensed marriage and family therapist? Are they an associate marriage and family therapist? Are they a licensed professional clinical counselor? Are they a social worker? Or are they a licensed clinical social worker?
Although there is a lot of overlap in these professions, it's good to know exactly whom you are seeing. This way you don't end up seeing a life coach when you thought you were seeing a therapist or vice versa.
There you have it. Those are some questions that you should ask a potential marriage counselor in Houston. If you're ready to begin working on your marriage so that you can increase friendship, intimacy and you can finally start to enjoy your life again, click here to schedule a free 15- minute consultation call with me today.
Relationship therapy in Houston is what you need.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a Black licensed marriage and family therapist in California and Texas. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia. I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
The Top 8 Truths about marriage counseling or therapy in the Houston area
Couples therapy in Houston is a lot more popular than you might think. Many couples have attributed the success of their marriages to marriage counseling.
If you're hesitant about attending marriage counseling in Houston, here are some simple truths about marriage counseling or marriage therapy in the Houston area.
Couples therapy in Houston is a lot more popular than you might think. Many couples have attributed the success of their marriages to marriage counseling.
If you're hesitant about attending marriage counseling in Houston, here are some simple truths about marriage counseling or marriage therapy in the Houston area.
1) Couples therapy in Houston is not just for failing marriages.
Many couples are hesitant to start couples therapy in Houston, because some people falsely believe that marriage counseling will be the beginning of the end. This is simply not true. It is much like saying that if you go to the gym then it is the beginning of the end.
Marriage counseling in Houston is simply a healthy practice. Couples simply come together with a couples counselor to learn simple skills to help them deal with conflict, learn to communicate calmly with one another, learn to validate each other's feelings, and learn how to be seen and heard.
In couples therapy you'll learn how to strengthen your friendship with one another and how to create a marriage that is more in line with the marriage that you dreamt of when you got married in the first place.
Can marriage counseling lead to divorce? My argument is no. If you and your spouse decide to get a divorce, it is because you both are making a conscious decision to end the relationship- not because you decided to go through counseling. If in the course of marriage counseling, the couple decides to go their separate ways, chances are there were other issues festering the entire time.
2) the best Marriage counseling in Houston takes a lot of work, commitment, and practice
Many people think marriage counseling in Houston is easy. Houston relationship therapy simple teaches couples practical skills to help strengthen their relationship. The purpose of relationship counseling in Houston or marriage counseling is learning how to truly listen to each other, and learning how to do things differently. I often tell my couples- if you continue doing what you've been doing, you continue to get what you've currently gotten.
When you work with a marriage counselor, it takes a lot of work on your part. Depending on the couples therapist in Houston you work with, your sessions will probably last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Some marriage counselors or relationship therapist in Houston even conduct marathon counseling- that’s a situation in which you and your spouse are in marriage counseling for 6 hours a day over a span of 3 days or more.
If you were to think about the 24 hours you have in a day, these Houston couples therapy sessions are only a very tiny fraction of your marriage. The majority of the work in your marriage actually happens outside of session.
If you and your partner are not absolutely working through the issues that brought you into session, and practicing the new skills that you learned in marriage counseling, you will not see any difference in your marriage. This is not magic folks! Marriage counseling is simply just the art of communication and connection.
3) If you don't practice the skills learned in marriage counseling, your marriage will NOT improve
I feel like I need to say this again. If you do not practice the skills that you're learning in marriage counseling, your marriage will absolutely not improve. Like I said previously, marriage counseling is not magic. When you come in to couples counseling or relationship therapy, you and your spouse are probably gridlocked on an issue.
Chances are you have specific problems that have been happening over and over again, and you have no idea how to solve them. If you are not actively practicing the skills that you're learning in marriage counseling, your marriage will remain the same. Even the best marriage counselor cannot save your marriage if you’re not putting in any work. The reason why some couples think that marriage counseling caused the demise of their relationship, is that they probably weren’t practicing the skills that they learned in session.
They went into session, the therapist gave them skills to work on, they went on with the marriage as if nothing ever happened. Then the other partner got extremely tired and decided to call it quits.
It was not the marriage counseling or the couples therapy that caused the demise of your relationship. It was the negative pattern that caused the demise of the relationship.
4) couples therapy in houston can be a whole lot of fun
Many people come into couples therapy in Houston looking like they're heading to the slaughter. Houston relationship therapy absolutely does not have to be a drag. Some people think that marriage counseling involves two people raising their voices, rolled eyes, and complete chaos.
If you work with a skilled marriage counselor, they actually help you slow down the conversation so that your partner can hear you. They help your partner engage with you so that you both feel like you have an emotional connection, and they ensure that there is emotional safety in the session. Marriage counseling can be a whole lot of fun.
Yes there will be some difficult moments, however if your marriage counselor is skilled, there will also be many different moments of connection, understanding, and lots of laughter. I am a couples therapist who happens to believe that laughter is the best medicine and I do incorporate humor into everything that I do. Life is already stressful, let's learn to laugh a little.
5) Your pastor or church is not always the best place to get the best marriage counseling in houston
As a therapist who is also provides Christian marriage counseling in Houston, I know that I'm going to get some flack for this. Sometimes, your pastor or your church elders are not the people to give you the best marriage counseling in Houston. Yes, your pastor can give you a lot of spiritual advice, but sometimes your pastor is not equipped to work on the emotional struggles, the trauma, and some of the deeper layers that happen within a marriage or relationship.
Sometimes, marital struggles are caused by trauma. Sometimes marital struggles occur because one person is struggling with some sort of an addiction. Sometimes there are issues of abuse going on. And sometimes there is a mixture of all these issues at the same time, coupled with other emotional struggles.
In my opinion, only a licensed therapist who has additional training in these areas, is fully equipped to work on these issues. So while your pastor probably has your best interest at heart, sometimes, he or she is completely out of depth and cannot help you with some of the deeper layers of your marriage. For the best marriage counseling in Houston, find a licensed therapist who gets you.
6) A skilled marriage counselor in Houston will not blame you or your upbringing for everything
One concern about going into marriage counseling in Houston is that the counselor will probably side with your spouse and blame you for everything. A skilled marriage counselor absolutely should not do that.
We try to understand both parties and help you to communicate your thoughts and feelings appropriately to your spouse. Our job is not to split the couple and cause more rifts. Our job is simply to provide understanding and teach you how to communicate clearly to each other so that your friendship can grow. Blaming one party for everything will definitely not repair the relationship. It only causes more harm. The best marriage counseling in Houston feels safe for both parties.
7) Marriage counseling or relationship therapy is not for ‘Failures’
Some people run away from marriage counseling because they believe going to marriage counseling will mean that they are a complete failure. On the contrary, the person who goes to marriage counseling is someone who is definitely dedicated to making their relationship work.
It says that you are ready to learn new ways of communicating, you're ready to understand your spouse, and you're ready to roll up your sleeves and do what it takes to take the relationship to a new level.
Think about a marriage counseling session like a workout. You go to the gym to strengthen your muscles. In the same way, people go to marriage counseling to strengthen their love muscles, friendship or communication. Marriage counseling helps you become a much better spouse.
8) Sometimes, you’re not able to solve your marriage struggles on your own- enter RELATIONSHIP therapy in houston
Sometimes it does not matter how hard you try; You and your spouse are still at loggerheads. The truth is that majority of the persistent issues that married couples face are actually unsolvable. The job of the best marriage counseling in Houston is not necessarily to solve all of your issues, it is simply to teach you how to manage the unsolvable issues.
Because you're not able to solve your marriage struggles does not mean that you're a failure. We all know that marriage can be difficult. Even the best marriage counselors in Houston go to marriage counseling to learn new skills. It's sometimes nice to let a licensed professional who has years of training in human behavior teach you how to get past the hurdles so that your relationship can truly thrive.
If you can leave car fixing to mechanics and plumbing to plumbers, why not allow a professional marriage counselor assist you with your marriage?
If you’re ready to take your marriage from chaos, confusion and misunderstanding, to a place of love, intimacy and passion, click here to schedule your free 15 minute consultation call. I am a Black marriage counselor in Houston who also provides Christian marriage counseling in Houston.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California and Texas. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia. I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
Finding the best marriage counseling in the Houston area: A Simple Guide
Marriage can be blissful. You meet someone, fall in love and when you think about them, you have butterflies in your stomach. You think about them all day long, and you can’t wait until you get to see them again.
But sometimes, marriage can be extremely complicated. You forget how to talk to and listen to each other. Everything becomes a fight or an argument, and sometimes you absolutely cannot stand each other.
If this sounds like your marriage, it might be time to seek marriage counseling. Here is a simple guide on how to find a great marriage therapist in the Houston area.
Marriage can be blissful. You meet someone, fall in love and when you think about them, you have butterflies in your stomach. You think about them all day long, and you can’t wait until you get to see them again.
But sometimes, marriage can be extremely complicated. You forget how to talk to and listen to each other. Everything becomes a fight or an argument, and sometimes you absolutely cannot stand each other.
If this sounds like your marriage, it might be time to seek marriage counseling. Here is a simple guide on how to find a great marriage therapist in the Houston area.
Ask yourself what type of relationship therapy in Houston you want/need
Before beginning relationship therapy in Houston, it is important to know what type of therapist you want. Are you looking for Christian marriage counseling in Houston? Are you specifically looking for a Black marriage counselor in Houston? Do you prefer a male marriage therapist in Houston? Do you want to participate in conjoint marriage therapy? (Conjoined marriage therapy means you actually get to work with two therapists at the same time). Often the therapists are a therapist duo who are partners in real life. Do you want intensive marriage counseling (engage in couples therapy for 6 hours a day over a 2 to 3-day weekend), or do you want to meet with the marriage counselor weekly? This will determine whom you actually choose.
Start with a simple Google search (It could be as simple as- ‘Relationship Therapy Houston’ or ‘Couples Therapy Houston’)
Now that technology is everywhere, most marriage therapists in Houston have an online presence. This is a benefit for you. That way you can get to check out the couples therapist’s social media presence, their website, and sites where they have been interviewed so that you can decide if they are the one for you.
I highly recommend before you call the couples therapist or marriage counselor in Houston, you actually do some snooping. OK maybe we wouldn't call it snooping, let's just call it research. Find out what their approach to marriage counseling is, and figure out if their approach to therapy will work for you. Go with your gut. If you browse their website and you do not like them, strike them off your list. You should love your marriage therapist. Luckily Houston has an abundance of great marriage therapists for you to choose from.
One of the most important aspects in the success of marriage counseling in Houston is the connection between the marriage counselor and the client. Don't ignore this. The best marriage counseling in Houston for you involves a therapist whose approach works well for you.
Here are some examples of some simple keywords you can search in Google. The basic search formula is ‘Marriage counseling’ + [your city] or ‘Couples counseling’ + [your city] or ‘Relationship counseling + [Your city]. Feel free to add other specifiers such as therapist’s gender, race and religion.
Here are some sample searches you can type straight into Google:
Black marriage counseling Houston
Houston Couples therapy
Best marrriage counseling Houston
Christian marriage counseling Houston
Relationship counseling Houston
Houston relationship therapy
Marriage counseling Houston
Marriage counselor Houston, TX
Couples counseling Cypress
Couples therapy Katy, Texas
Black marriage counseling Houston, TX
Keep in mind that because of online therapy, you can meet with any couples therapist throughout the state of Texas. You don’t have to focus on couples therapists in Houston alone. Marriage therapists are licensed to work with anybody within their specific state. So if you happen to love a couples counselor who is not in your city, you can still work with them as long as they are licensed in your state.
Ask around in your church for a referral for Christian marriage counseling in Houston
Sometimes people avoid marriage counseling because they do not know that there are Christian marriage counselors in Houston. If your religion or spirituality is very important to you and you want to integrate your faith into your marriage counseling, a good place to start could actually be your church or place of worship. If you feel comfortable asking around, you might want to ask your pastor, bishop, priest, or religious leader for a few referrals.
You may actually be surprised to find out that a lot of churches actually encourage Christian couples counseling or Christian relationship counseling outside of the church as they know that licensed marriage and family therapists in Houston have a deeper training in relational dynamics and human emotions than pastors do. So don't be shy, ask your church for some referrals.
Ask your friends or loved ones for a referral to a marriage counselor in Houston
I can assure you that you are not the only person who is struggling within your marriage or relationship. Chances are that your friends or loved ones have also struggled too. I bet that one or two people whom you know have actually been in couples therapy in Houstonbefore. Sometimes the people with the strongest marriages actually do have the strongest marriages because they seek further counseling from professionals.
Ask them what exactly it is that they liked about their marriage counselor, ask them to tell you about their experience, and decide whether or not this might be the thing for you.
Try searching for a marriage counselor in Houston by searching on a therapist or counselor directory
These days there are a ton of different therapy or counseling directories that have done the work for you. Some of the directories that you can go on are:
Therapy for Black girls
Clinicians of Color Directory
Psychology Today
Melanin and Mental Health
Therapy Den
There are even specific directories to find therapists who integrate faith.
The great thing about these directories is that they let you narrow your search according to your state, ZIP Code, what type of insurance you have, your faith or religion, the gender of the therapist, as well as a long list of other filters. These can rapidly cut down on your search time.
Do not feel the need to come up with a long list of 10 therapists. Just pick about three or four and roll with it.
Do some background research when you have narrowed down to about 3 to 4 marriage counselors in Houston
Therapy is an emotional and financial investment in the health of your marriage. If you are to spend an hour a week pouring out your heart to a marriage counselor, then you better love the approach of the marriage counselor.
When you have come up with your shortlist of 3 to 4 marriage counselors, spend some time doing some background work on them. Go to their websites, and see if the website speaks to you. I highly suggest that you also include your partner in this search, as it is important that they also feel comfortable with the therapist that you choose.
Set up a free consultation call for marriage counseling in Houston
Some couples therapists in Houston offer free 15 to 20 minute consultation calls. This is a great time to ask questions, find out more about their marriage therapy style and feel out their vibe. If you feel comfortable with them over the phone, then you can move to the next step, which would be to schedule your first couples counseling appointment.
Searching for the right marriage therapist does not have to take a ton of time. But it does involve some research and patience on your part. Once you find a therapist you love, dive right in, Your relationship will thank you.
If you are ready to begin the work of healing your marriage, I am a Black marriage therapist in the Houston area, who sees clients throughout Texas and California. Click here to schedule your free 15-minute consultation call to determine if I’m the best fit for you.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a Black licensed marriage and family therapist in California and Texas. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia. I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Finding a therapist in the Houston area: A Simple Guide
Finding a therapist or counselor in the Houston area can be a little bit tricky, because Houston is such a large area. When you try to break it down, do you want to find a counselor in Cypress, a therapist in Sugar Land, or in one of the many surrounding neighborhoods in the Houston area?
You might also ask yourself “Do I need to be searching for a psychiatrist, a counselor, a therapist, or a psychologist?”
I'm going to break down every single thing you need to find a therapist or counselor in the Houston area that will be a great match for you. Don't worry, it's not as hard as you might think.
Finding a therapist or counselor in the Houston area can be a little bit tricky, because Houston is such a large area. When you try to break it down, do you want to find a counselor in Cypress, a therapist in Sugar Land, or in one of the many surrounding neighborhoods in the Houston area?
You might also ask yourself “Do I need to be searching for a psychiatrist, a counselor, a therapist, or a psychologist?”
I'm going to break down every single thing you need to find a therapist or counselor in the Houston area that will be a great match for you. Don't worry, it's not as hard as you might think.
Questions to ask yourself before doing research about counseling in Houston
1) “Do I want an online therapist in Houston or would I prefer an In person therapist or counselor in Houston?”
When looking for a therapist in Houston, it is important to ask yourself whether you want virtual visits, or if you absolutely want to be seen in person. In my opinion, it really doesn't matter whether you are seen in person or virtually. Both forms of therapy are quite effective.
Pros and cons of in person therapy or counseling in Houston
The upside to being seen in person is that you get to drive away from your typical environment and you get to sit in a lovely office. Some people like to come into my office early, grab some tea, listen to sounds of nature and just take a moment to ground themselves before the therapy session. And some people love driving and looking at the Houston area sights. They create an entire vibe in their cars when they are on their way to their therapy session.
Pros and cons of seeing a virtual or online therapist in Houston
Now if you're seeing your therapist virtually, the upside is that you do not have to be in traffic at all- and we all know how annoying those Houston commutes can be. Virtual therapy in Houston is quite convenient. You can meet with your therapist while sitting in your car, while on your lunch break, in your office or while your baby is taking a nap. There is zero commute time and because of this, chances are you will probably attend counseling or therapy sessions more frequently.
If you do choose to see an online therapist in Houston though, this opens you up to a wider selection of therapists because you can meet with any therapist who is licensed in your state. So there is no geographical boundary holding you back. That means you can see a therapist in Houston, a therapist in Dallas, a therapist in Austin, or any therapist who is licensed in Texas.
Whether you attend virtually or in person, in my professional opinion, therapy can work either way.
2) “Why do I need a therapist in Houston?” (This helps you pick a therapist in Houston with the right niche)
Just like physicians, therapists in Houston (and everywhere else) also have specialties. It is important to note that most of us are not jack of all trades, and we prefer to see clients within a specific niche.
So ask yourself why you’re seeking the support of a therapist. Is it for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, problems at work, problems of parenting, infertility… and the list goes on. I happen to be an anxiety therapist in Houston, because that is what I do best. It is important to find a therapist who can actually cater to some of the issues that you are struggling with.
Again, similar to seeing a physician, you wouldn't go to a dentist for your heart issues. So it is important that you know why you want therapy so that you can find a therapist that has a set of skills that are particularly suited for what you're experiencing.
3) “Do I want to use my insurance? And what is my therapy budget?”
A therapy budget is a subject that I have never seen online before, so I thought I should address it with you. Typically, therapists love to see their clients weekly. For me, doing this ensures that there is continuity of care and that my clients are moving fast towards their goals.
When you have a therapy budget, you are able to plan better so that there won’t be breaks in your therapy sessions. Know what you are comfortable paying for, so that you can find a therapist who is also within your budget.
If you choose to go through your insurance, ensure that you know what your co-pay will be, how many sessions your insurance will cover, as well as what types of sessions your insurance will cover (30 minute sessions, 45 minute sessions, couples therapy, family therapy, etc). Get these logistics out of the way before you begin the therapy process. That being said it is important to note that the best therapist Houston for you may not necessarily be the cheapest or the most expensive.
The best therapist in Houston for you is a therapist who has a lot of experience managing what your area of struggle is, and his personality is a perfect match for yours. It is a perfect marriage between the two. So do not be tempted to go for the free therapist whose niche is nowhere near what you need. Your mental health needs come first. If I went to a cardiologist to help me with my kidneys, chances are I would get a bad result. So buyer beware.
Pros and cons of using your insurance for therapy in Houston
The upside to using your insurance is that it is usually so much cheaper. One of the downsides could be that some of the therapists within your network might be full, or your insurance may have specific stipulations that may not work for you. My recommendation is that you call your insurance company before beginning sessions so that you know what your plan covers. It is also possible that the therapist or counselor you want to work with, doesn't take your insurance. Please note that insurance companies often expect your therapist to diagnose you. Keep that in mind.
Pros and cons of paying out of pocket for therapy in Houston
On the other hand, the upside to going out of pocket is that you can have as many sessions as you need, and typically, therapists who are private pay are often able to see their clients a lot sooner. The downside of course is that it could cost you more than if you were to use your health insurance. Pick the option that works best for you.
Now that we’ve covered the preliminary questions about finding a therapist in Houston, let’s dive in deeper.
Where to find a therapist in Houston
1) Ask your friends and loved ones who their therapist is.
Therapy in Houston and throughout Texas is becoming increasingly common. Chances are that your friends and loved ones have seen a therapist before. If you're comfortable asking them, simply ask them who they go to for therapy and why they like them.
Have an open discussion about the pros and cons of that specific therapist, their therapy style, and what attracted your loved one to that therapist. Please note that because your loved one had a great experience with that therapist does not necessarily mean that the therapist will be a perfect match for you.
I highly recommend that you schedule a consultation call with the therapist before you begin to work with them. The call is a great time for the therapist to get to know what you need support with, to tell you more about their style of work, and to decide if you and the therapist are compatible with one another. Without this compatibility, therapy will fall flat. You can go to the best therapist in the world, but if they are not a good fit for you, it won’t work.
2) Search for a therapist in a mental health directory
There are a multitude of therapist directories out there. These are a shortcut to helping you find the best therapist in Houston for you.
You can narrow down by ZIP Code, state, insurance, therapist’s specialty, therapist’s gender, religious or spiritual beliefs, race, as well as a long list of other areas. It’s important that you pick a therapist that you will be comfortable with. Some people often feel bad when they call me and say that they would prefer a Black therapist in Houston. Please don't feel bad. You deserve to feel comfortable in your own therapy session.
Some therapist directories to try are:
Therapy for Black Girls
Clinicians of Color Directory
Therapy Den
Melanin and Mental Health
3) Search for a therapist in the Houston area on Google
If you do not feel like going to a therapist directory, or speaking to a friend or loved one, you can use good old Google to find a therapist in Houston. Just search for a therapist according to what you need or a therapist in your city.
So some examples of searches could be:
Anxiety therapist in Houston.
Depression therapist Katy, Texas.
Black therapist in Houston
Premarital counseling Houston
Female Black therapist Houston.
Therapist for trauma in Cypress, Texas.
Or you can search by gender and religion. For example:
Black Christian therapist Houston
Christian counseling Katy
Christian counselor Houston
Christian counseling Sugar Land, TX
Once you find the therapist’s website, take about one or two minutes to look around. Does the therapist look like somebody whom you would feel comfortable working with? Does the therapist’s website speak to you? Go with your gut instinct. After looking at the therapist’s website, see if they do consultations and schedule a consultation with them.
Finding a therapist in the Houston area does not have to be a daunting task. Dedicate one or two days to finding about two or three therapists that appear to be a good fit for you.
If you really need support in finding a therapist click here to schedule a free consultation call. If you are searching for a Black therapist in the Houston area who can help you move from a place of anxiety to greater self confidence, or help your marriage move from a roommate situation to a passionate situation, then I might be the therapist for you. Click here to schedule your free 15-minute consultation call. You can read more about how I help with anxiety, insomnia and marriage counseling here. Don't wait.
About The Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia. I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Dear Superwoman: It’s Time to Take Off the Cape – How to Ask for Help Like a Pro
When you are a highly responsible or goal oriented woman, it is easy to do everything yourself. After all, you've always been successful at everything you’ve laid your hands on, so why on earth do you need to ask anybody for help?
When you are a highly responsible or goal oriented woman, it is easy to do everything yourself. After all, you've always been successful at everything you’ve laid your hands on, so why on earth do you need to ask anybody for help?
As a therapist in Temecula, I know that asking for help is important because it is a great way to connect with your spouse. Being overly independent can quickly become a problem in a marriage if you live your life like you're an island on to yourself. Being overly independent can lead to your spouse feeling disengaged from you.
If you have ever wanted to break away from the struggle of being overly independent, here are some tips for you:
Get to the bottom of why it is difficult for you to ask for help
By the way, being independent is not a bad thing, but having a really difficult time asking for help when you really need it could really be a struggle. Behind every highly independent woman are some emotional hurts (or perhaps, an upbringing) that led her to become this way.
Here’s an exercise I have my clients go through during our counseling sessions in Temecula. Sit back and dig into your mind. Ask yourself how you became super independent. Perhaps when you were growing up, your caregivers encouraged you to be heavily independent. Or perhaps they really encouraged you to check things off lists and achieve a lot. Or maybe you just receive a lot of inner joy and affirmation when you did things yourself.
Remember that asking for help is not a bad thing
Remind yourself that inter-dependency (not independence) is healthy for a marriage relationship. Interdependence simply means that both partners are independent, but they choose to lean on each other when they need help.
They can do things by themselves and for themselves, however they choose to share the world with each other in a healthy way. So it is important to tell yourself this so that you get more comfortable with opening up to your partner.
Start with asking for help with the small things
I get it. Asking your husband for help on the huge projects could feel close to impossible. So why not just start small? Ask him to help you with simple things like picking up the dry cleaning or dropping the kids off at school or making that sandwich that you just don't want to make.
It is easier to start with the small things and then slowly graduate to much larger tasks. Each time you ask him for help, check in with yourself to see how it feels. At first it might feel oddly uncomfortable, but sit with that feeling and it will soon pass.
Have daily conversations with your spouse to invite him into your life
When you are very independent, it is easy to get sucked into your own world and completely forget that your spouse exists. So to combat this, once a week, or maybe at the end of day, have a short, connecting conversation with your spouse. This is another intervention I use when counseling in Murrieta.
Ask him how his day went, and also invite him into your own world. Talk to him about what's going on in your day, what’s going on with the kids, the new updates at work and what has been happening in your mind. That way he gets to understand your internal struggles. It’s okay for your spouse to see you as a human with real struggles and joys.
Try giving yourself a deadline before you ask for help
Because you are naturally a very independent person, you probably spend a lot of time hitting your head on a wall before reaching out for support.
So give yourself a deadline. Perhaps you can say “If I am still struggling after 1 week, I will ask for help.” Although asking for help can be a struggle, practice makes it easier.
There you have it. If you struggle with being super independent, and you want to learn how to let your husband into your internal world, schedule your free 15-minute consultation call. It is totally possible to live interdependently with your husband.
As a Black therapist in Temecula, it is my joy to help goal oriented women find deeper connection. I provide therapy to clients in Murrieta, Temecula, San Diego, Los Angeles and throughout California.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia. I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
Simple tips for a successful marriage: Repair when you've messed up
Sometimes when you're speaking to your partner, you get so upset and you say the wrong thing.
Before the words come out of your mouth you instinctively know that you have hit below the belt. The great news is that no matter what you say to your partner, you can still repair your relationship with them. As a therapist in the Temecula area who provides marriage counseling, I’ve probably seen and heard it all.
Sometimes when you're speaking to your partner, you get so upset and you say the wrong thing.
Before the words come out of your mouth you instinctively know that you have hit below the belt. The great news is that no matter what you say to your partner, you can still repair your relationship with them. As a therapist in the Temecula area who provides marriage counseling, I’ve probably seen and heard it all.
Here are six simple ways to repair when you have messed up in your marriage. Please note that this post is not talking about abusive behavior or infidelity. I am simply just focusing on repairing when you have been careless with your words or gotten into an argument.
The goal of the conversation: To repair and take responsibility
Before you start talking to your spouse remember that the goal of this conversation is to repair and seek understanding, rather than defend yourself or blame your spouse. If you get defensive, it will only make things worse. So it is important that you take responsibility for the things that you have said, and then apologize.
Step 1: Share how you felt
The first step is to share how you felt. This is an important skill I teach as a therapist in the Murrieta, Temecula area.
You don't have to explain why you felt the way that you felt. It is important for your partner to understand what was going on for you internally. Use some feeling words.
You can say something as simple as "I felt defensive." Or “I felt disrespected." Or “I felt shocked.” Or you can say “I felt afraid.” This will help your partner feel a little bit more connected to you.
Step 2: Describe your point of view
Describe to your spouse what you feel happened during the incident. Do not describe what you think they did or how you think they felt. Just stick to describing your perception of the situation. It is important that you do not point the finger, attack them, or blame them.
Just state the facts of what you said or what you think you heard them say. So for example you can frame it as "I heard you say…” Don’t get stuck on the semantics of things. Just focus on your reality.
Step 3: Give your spouse space to speak
Next it's time for you to give your spouse a chance to speak their own reality. Listen to their side of the story, and do not focus on trying to correct them or blame them. When they speak, try to summarize what you're hearing them saying, and also validate their experiences. For example you can say something like "I can see how you heard that.” “I can understand why that felt offensive.”
Ensure that they feel understood before you move on. If they don't, you can ask them to give you more information to ensure that they are actually feeling understood. This is the one area where couples get stuck in my Temecula marriage counseling sessions.
Also help them understand some of your experiences that have triggered why you felt the way that you felt. For example let's say you feel disrespected because your spouse did not consult you before doing something important. You can say to them “I am sensitive to feeling ignored because it reminds me of the time that you made a big purchase without me.”
Step 4: Take responsibility for your role in the communication breakdown
I talk about this a lot when I facilitate marriage counseling in Murrieta. It's now time to take responsibility for your role in the fight. Let them know what your state of mind was before you said what you said.
For example you can say:
“I've been feeling stressed lately.”
“I've been taking you for granted”
“I've been ignoring you.”
“I've been completely exhausted lately.”
“I've been feeling like I'm tired lately.
Specify what you regret and also apologize for what you said wrong. Be very specific.
For example “I am sorry for yelling at you.” “I'm sorry that I attacked you.” Or “I'm sorry for disrespecting you.”
Step 5: Make a plan for the future
After apologizing, tell your spouse what you need if this situation comes up again in the future.
Make a plan for what to do if the situation comes up again. Help your spouse understand the way you want to be treated, and also get a good understanding of how they want to be talked to. This prevents persistent problems from happening over and over again.
Having a successful marriage takes an immense amount of work and great communication, however every marriage can become an amazing marriage with friendship and intimacy in abundance.
If you're looking for a black marriage counselor in the Temecula, Murrieta area, and you're ready to take your marriage to a new, healthy place, click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call. Your future, healthy marriage thanks you.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia. I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
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