Christian Therapist for women with anxiety and trauma throughout CA & TX
5 simple ways to stay connected (or reconnect) with your spouse even if you have no extra time in your day
You’re a busy bee. Between work, taking care of the kids, managing a household and planning for your goals and dreams, you barely have a second to yourself- let alone hours and hours to spend with your spouse. These are some of the simple tips that I give to my couples who are in marriage or couples counseling.
You’re a busy bee. Between work, taking care of the kids, managing a household and planning for your goals and dreams, you barely have a second to yourself- let alone hours and hours to spend with your spouse.
You’ve heard that quality time is important to keep things fresh in your marriage, but where are you supposed to find all this time?
That’s why I’m here. Here are 5 simple ways to stay connected to (or reconnect with) your spouse even if you have no extra time in your day. These are some of the simple tips that I give to my couples who are in marriage or couples counseling.
1) Give your spouse a hearty goodbye whenever you’re leaving the house
When you and your husband or wife are leaving the house for work, for vacation or just to run errands, don’t just run out the door like strangers, create a leaving ritual that’s unique to the both of you.
It could be something as simple as a goodbye kiss, it could be a hug, or it could be a simple “See you later!” It doesn't have to be complicated, but it’s a kind way to let your spouse know that you see them. Never run out of the house without letting your spouse know.
2) Warm greeting when you return home
In marriage counseling, I find that many couples stop greeting each other warmly. This leads to the slow death of a friendship and the waning of intimacy between them.
When you get back home after a long day, say something sweet to your spouse. Give them a smile, a wink, a hug or just say “Hey!” try to do it with a smile on your face. That communicates trust and warmth.
3) Have regular quality mealtimes
Many married couples and families have strayed away from family meals together. I get it, schedules are busy. You don’t necessarily have to eat meals together every single day, but carve out at least 1 meal a week where you get to just eat and talk.
What’s a quality meal time? It’s not about what’s on the menu, but it’s about being attuned to your spouse. Put the phones and devices away and just talk.
These meals don’t have to be formal. You don’t even have to sit at a dining table or have place setting. It doesn’t matter if you cook an elaborate meal, order a meal service or eat a frozen dinner- as long as you are both together.
4) Make bedtimes special
Bedtime can become so mundane. You both plop into the bed and drift off to sleep like exhausted puppies. In many cases, one partner is a morning bird, while the other is a night owl- making bedtimes a source of constant argument in your marriage.
What if you actually set specific times each week where you get to spend an extra 30 minutes together?
At the beginning of the week, look at both your calendars and decide what days and times you’ll both be able to meet this week. Decide what activities you’ll engage in. Some couples watch a weekly show together, some tea a book together, some just talk.
I tell all of my couples to download the Gottman card decks app. It’s a free app that has tons of ideas of conversation starters for you and your spouse. Make your conversations a lot more meaningful.
5) Have regular stress reducing conversations
Stress is one of the biggest reasons why couples seek marriage counseling in my Murrieta office. You and your partner both have so much sitting on your shoulders, and you’re not sure who to turn to.
Make a regular ritual out of talking about your days. If you are in the habit of going on and on about work- to the anger of your spouse- set a timer.
Give each partner 20 minutes to talk about the ups and downs of your day. For the listening partner, your job is to validate and support- not to complain or correct your spouse.
This creates a sense of unity and intimacy. If your partner is carrying the whole world on his or her shoulders, it’ll definitely affect the quality of your relationship. So try this.
Ready to take your marriage to a place of true intimacy and connection, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call so we can find out if couples counseling in Temecula is right for you.
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About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
How to prepare for your first marriage counseling session
You and your partner have been struggling for a while. You’ve tried to patch things up, but to no avail. It seems like you’re arguing every other day. And you can’t stand it anymore.
You decided to contact a marriage counselor, after all you’ve heard that couples counseling can really improve your relationship.
Before you attend your first couples therapy or marriage counseling session, here’s what you should know:
You and your partner have been struggling for a while. You’ve tried to patch things up, but to no avail. It seems like you’re arguing every other day. And you can’t stand it anymore.
You decided to contact a marriage counselor, after all you’ve heard that couples counseling can really improve your relationship.
Before you attend your first couples therapy or marriage counseling session, here’s what you should know:
Start with a great mindset before you begin couples therapy or couples counseling
Sometimes, when couples come to see me in my marriage counseling office in Murrieta, they are usually expecting their marriage counselor (me) to do all the work. The truth is that your couples therapist is simply a guide. He or she gives you the tools you need and it is the job of you and your spouse to implement the skills.
Simply listening attentively when you are in relationship counseling is not enough. You need to actually implement what you’re being taught. So step one of being successful in couples therapy, is to have a learning mindset.
Be ready to try new things- no matter how scary it might be. if you start therapy believing it will fail, your sessions will probably fail. But if you go in with a positive and proactive mindset, you’re setting yourself and your marriage up for success.
Identify your marriage counseling goals
To make the process a lot smoother, it’s important that your relationship counselor or marriage counselor knows what you and your spouse are expecting to gain from couples therapy.
Spend some time thinking about this before your first session. A simple way to pinpoint your marriage counseling goals, is to close your eyes, fast forward to 6 months from now and imagine what you want your day to day life to look like.
Where will you live?
Where will both you and your spouse sleep?
What will your daily interactions with your spouse look like?
How will you feel when your partner walks into the room?
How will you both manage conflicts?
How will your communication with your spouse change?
Who will notice these changes?
Let your couples therapist know this so that everyone is on the same page.
Get a couples therapy or marriage counseling notebook
This isn’t mandatory, but when you’re in couples therapy or couples counseling, it’s important to have a system to document what you’re learning. A lot of difficult emotions will be stirred up in your couples counseling sessions.
Your notebook is a great place to journal about your feelings after sessions, and also a great place to store any homework your therapist gives you. That way you will be staying present and you won’t let anything fall through the cracks.
Your couples therapy notebook is also a place to celebrate wins, practice communication skills and to jot down any big issues that come up for you in between couples counseling sessions. That’ll make your sessions be a lot more productive.
These are some simple ways to get yourself ready for your first marriage counseling or relationship counseling session.
If you are sick and tired of a stale, loveless marriage, couples counseling in the Murrieta/Temecula area might be just what you need to turn your marriage around. Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with me- a licensed marriage and family therapist for people in Murrieta and throughout California.
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About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
How to find an amazing marriage counselor or couples counselor in Murrieta/Temecula and beyond
When you said “I do,” you had visions of marital bliss. You imagined that you and your spouse were going to walk happily ever after into the sunset.
But shortly, after you got married, things changed. Little things he said infatuated you.
You both feel like 2 ships passing in the night. It’s like both of you are speaking a foreign language. You’ve tried everything to fix its but it’s just not working.
When you said “I do,” you had visions of marital bliss. You imagined that you and your spouse were going to walk happily ever after into the sunset.
But shortly, after you got married, things changed. Little things he said infatuated you.
You both feel like 2 ships passing in the night. It’s like both of you are speaking a foreign language. You’ve tried everything to fix its but it’s just not working.
Never fear, marriage counseling is a great way to reclaim your friendship with your spouse, learn how to communicate clearly and learn how to manage conflict without pain.
Here’s how to find an amazing marriage counselor in the Murrieta/Temecula area (or pretty much anywhere you live).
1) Ask your friends, family or loved ones for a referral for marriage counseling
Chances are you know at least one person who has spoken to a couples therapist or marriage counselor before. Marriage counseling is much more common than you think. Although there is still quite a bit of stigma around going to see a therapist, I assure you that therapy is a great way to improve your relationship and work towards the amazing marriage you’ve dreamed of for such a long time.
One of the simplest ways to find a couples therapist is to go to a therapist who has helped someone you know. Ask your friends what they liked about their couples therapist, what they didn’t like about the therapist, what the therapist’s style is like and what you can expect if you decide to see her fo marriage counseling.
This is a great way to determine whether that therapist will be a good fit for you.
Once you get the referrals, schedule a free consultation call with that that therapist, so you can get a sense of her vibe. It is very important that your therapist is an amazing fit for both you and your spouse.
2) Search for marriage counseling or a couples therapist on Google
These days you can pretty much find anything online. Because Google is the number 1 search engine out there, it’s also a great resource for finding someone who can help you with marriage counseling in Murrieta or marriage counseling in Temecula.
To increase your options, you could also consider virtual marriage or couples counseling (which can be just as effective as in person couples therapy). Expand your search to pretty much any city within your state. Marriage counselors and licensed marriage and family therapists are licensed to be able to see everyone within their state. That means, if you live in Murrieta, you don’t just have to see a marriage counselor in Murrieta. You could see a couples therapist in Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, or any city in California.
Your options are limitless.
Consider typing the following search terms in Google:
Marriage counseling Murrieta
Marriage counseling Temecula
Marriage counseling in Riverside
Marriage therapist Murrieta
Couples therapist Murrieta
Couples counseling in Temecula
Relationship counseling Los Angeles
If you want to narrow your search, you can be even more specific. For example, if you’re looking for a Black, Christian couples therapist, you can type in:
Black couples therapist Murrieta
Christian couples counseling Temecula
Female Black therapist Murrieta
Scroll through the therapist’s website, read the words on the page and pick about 3 therapists you feel a connection with. Once this is done, it’s time to schedule that free consultation call so that you can ask the therapist or counselor any questions you have and find out more about the way they work.
Remember, it’s your session, so you deserve to see a therapist you are comfortable with.
3 ) Look for a couples therapist or marriage counseling on a therapy directory
Therapy and mental health directories are a great way to find a couples therapist. You can narrow your search by:
Therapist’s gender
Therapist’s specialty (couples counseling, infidelity, infertility, anxiety, women’s issues, etc.)
Therapist’s location and zip code
Cost of services
Therapist’s faith
Language the therapist’s speaks
The types of therapy that the therapist utilizes (some therapists specialize in Gottman Therapy, Imago Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy and some use Prepare-Enrich).
After narrowing down the search terms, pick about 5 therapists you are drawn to. Read their profiles and further narrow down your search to 3 therapists.
The next step is to reach out to the therapists to schedule a free consultation call. On the call you’ll get a better sense of the therapist’s personality, her approach to therapy and whether or not you and your spouse will be a great fit for her.
Here’s where it’ll be important to trust your gut. Go with the person who feels like the best fit for you and your partner.
In the event that it doesn’t work out, it’s okay to break up with your therapist and find someone else. Keep trying until you find the right therapist.
Some mental health directories to try:
There are tons of therapy and counseling directories out there. Here are a few you could try:
If you are looking to regain the connection and friendship you had with your spouse and stop the endless cycle of arguments, I’m a Christian therapist who provides marriage counseling in the Murrieta/Temecula area. I also work online with clients throughout California.
About the Author
My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia.
I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.
Many of my clients are:
COVID-19 and your marriage: How to navigate working from home with your spouse
Working from home can be a challenge if you have never done it before. Working from home is a double challenge when you and your spouse are doing it together.
But the great thing is that if you are intentional about it, it could work great for the both of you. Here are 5 simple tips to help you and your spouse survive working from home together.
Working from home can be a challenge if you have never done it before. Working from home is a double challenge when you and your spouse are doing it together.
But the great thing is that if you are intentional about it, it could work great for the both of you. Here are 5 simple tips to help you and your spouse survive working from home together.
1) Have a plan for the day
If you and your spouse are to have a peaceful home while working at home simultaneously, it’s important to plan out your day in a way that will work well for the entire family. If you have school aged kids, chances are you are now homeschool parents. Have a conversation about how to split the kids’ work. Sync your schedules so that each of you knows who is in charge of which tasks around the home. If you want to be really organized, you can actually create a Trello board or a written out plan of what your schedules should be.
Talk about who is in charge of meals, cleaning, when both of you will be taking breaks, where each of you will be working within the house, and of course, who will be helping the kids out with their school work. Without an actual plan, I can assure you that the transition to working from home will be quite chaotic. Split up chores so that the house still remains organized while you are working.
I highly suggest trying to have meal times together if possible. The beauty of having the family home is that you all get to really bond and enjoy one another. It’s such a luxury in this fast paced society.
2) Check on your spouse during the workday
If you and your spouse are working from different areas of the home, check up on him or her during the work day. You can send a text or even just pop your head in to say “Hello.” It might sound corny or weird, but everyone likes to be checked on. It shows a whole lot of care and it helps you both strengthen your friendship.
3) Respect each other’s work boundaries
If you and your spouse do not usually work together, working from home could be a challenge. Talk about each other’s ideal work space. Some people like an immaculate and organized space, while others can thrive in an office that looks like it has been hit like a hurricane.
If you are not so organized, but your partner thrives in a tidy environment, respect that. Perhaps you could work together to create a welcoming home office environment so that both of you feel comfortable.
If you thrive with loud music and your spouse likes to work in silence, simply pop in some head phones. Although both of you might be different in the way that you work, you both have a common goal- to get some work done.
Remember that although you both might be home all day, you should remember that both of you have to be productive.
4) Give your spouse some space
Working from home together does not mean that you both have to be around each other 24/7. If one of you is highly sensitive or introverted, chances are you value alone time. Explain that to your spouse in a kind, loving way. If you both share a home office, and you happen to need some space from your spouse and kids, you can take breaks alone so you can recharge and unwind.
During these breaks you can stretch, go for a walk, watch something funny, read a book, workout or even do chores around the house. Some couples do not do well when they have been together all day long. If you and your partner are that couple, prevent arguments and irritation by simply ensuring that both of you get the alone time that you need.
5) End the day together
And when the day is over and the kids are in bed, it’s time to debrief. Talk about what you loved about the day and what did not go so well. But be careful not to be too nit picky so that it doesn't turn into a full blown argument.
Use this time as a bonding moment. You can pray together, listen to a podcast together, sit on the couch together or just be together in silence if you want.
Although there is a crisis going on in the outside world, there is no reason why there should be a crisis within your home as well. Turn to each other, cover each other in love. Make it your mission to make your marriage a lot stronger when this whole thing is over.
If you and your spouse are looking to really strengthen your friendship with one another, I offer marriage counseling in the Temecula/Murrieta area. Due to social distancing guidelines, I am now providing couples counseling online to California residents. Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call to see if couples therapy in Murrieta is right for your marriage.
How to not ruin your marriage during COVID-19
Marriage is already a challenge. But how on earth do you survive when you, your spouse, and everyone who lives with you (kids, in-laws, and other family members) have to be in the same space 24/7? Never fear. It’s actually possible to improve your marriage during this pandemic by doing 5 simple things.
Before I begin, let’s just get this clear. COVID-19 is a really serious virus. Please follow all the instructions and pay attention to the guidelines that the medical community has outlined for us. I know this new social distancing lifestyle is tough. But if we all play our part, we will all make it through.
Now on to the post.
Marriage is already a challenge. But how on earth do you survive when you, your spouse, and everyone who lives with you (kids, in-laws, and other family members) have to be in the same space 24/7?
Never fear. It’s actually possible to improve your marriage during this pandemic by doing 5 simple things.
1) Check your mindset
Rather than viewing COVID-19 and social distancing as the end of your marriage as we know it, view it as an opportunity to rebuild. Remember when you first met your spouse? You had wonderful butterflies in your stomach, you had a tingle in your chest when you’d hear his voice. You thought the world revolved around him. This is your chance to get back to that place. Use this time as a real opportunity to get to know each other.
If you think of this situation as the worst possible thing, I promise you that you will be miserable until life returns to normal. But if you view it as an opportunity, your marriage will end up stronger than ever. After all, if your marriage can make it through this, you guys are ninjas! And we all know that ninjas aways win.
Instead of thinking, “I’m stuck in the house with my husband,” think this instead: “I get to be in the house with my husband and we get a second chance at our marriage.”
The way you think directly affects the way you feel, which also affects your behavior. So a great marriage starts with how you view it.
2) Actually spend time together
Although you and your spouse are probably home together all day (assuming you get to work from home), do not avoid each other like the plague.
Eat meals together, talk to one another, look at each other, compliment each other, ask each other how the day is going, reminisce about the past (only the great parts of the past) and try to get back to a happy place.
Think of this as an opportunity to re-ignite a friendship. Imagine your spouse is a friend whom you are just getting to know. Ask him questions and make life fun again.
This is also a great time to watch movies together, listen to podcasts together, workout together and just be together. You’ll be surprised how close two people can get when they actually become intentional about time spent together.
3) Create daily rituals
One common thread amongst all couples is that they are busy. The husband gets up super early, rushes out the door, then the wife rushes around the house while getting the kids ready. Many families live in the same house, but they don’t really live together.
That team spirit is lacking.
But no more. Let’s change that. You get to actually change that. So here are some new rituals I’d like you to try. If you already practice these rituals, then that’s great! Keep it up!
When you wake up in the morning, say “Good morning” or “Hello” or “Hey” to your spouse. Don’t just roll out of bed, grunt and go about your day. Acknowledge him or her in some way.
Before you go to bed at night, say: “Goodnight.” And try to do it with a smile on your face. It’s the little gestures that count.
Try to do some chores around the house together. Maybe he washes the dishes while you rinse them. Or maybe you do laundry and he folds. Or you both can fold clothes together. Get creative.
Chances are that both of you have a little extra time on your hands. So why don’t you play a game together when the kids are in bed? It doesn’t even matter what game. Just play a game. There’s Uno, Monopoly, Chess, Checkers, The Game of Life. You could solve a sudoku puzzle or a crossword puzzle together. As long as it’s done together. If you like apps, I love Gottman Card Decks. You can download it in the app store.
After the day is over, debrief together. Talk about how social distancing is going for the both of you. Talk about how you’re feeling, and what’s going on in your inner worlds. This is how you build closeness.
4) Pick your battles wisely
Being together more than you’re used to can easily become irritating (I’m being real here). So pick your battles wisely. Rather than focusing on everything your spouse is doing wrong, focus on what he or she is doing right.
Make a plan for the day and tackle it together. Understand that your spouse is NOT going to be perfect, but this is the spouse you chose. This is the person you fell in love with.
Don’t bicker about every single thing.
And if you have to address something negative, pick the right time and the right place.
Remember debriefing from step 3 above? Perhaps you guys can address 1 or 2 issues when everyone else is in bed.
State your piece without yelling or name calling.
Give your spouse a chance to say his part.
Finally, come to an understanding of how you both will do things differently in the future.
5) Work on a shared goal
This is a great time to identify and begin to work on important goals together. There has never been a better time to work on your financial goals. Maybe you can both create a budget together and figure out how to implement it.
You could also work on a project around the house. This is also a great time to declutter, paint a room, organize something, teach your kids a new skill, learn how to use software, begin a work out program, learn a new language, plan for the future, etc.
It really doesn't matter how big or how small the project is, just work on it together!
So yes, although we are living in troubled times, you and your spouse have control over the success of your marriage.
And if you need help working on shared goals, managing battles and strengthening your friendship as a couple, I offer couples counseling. Due to social distancing and COVID-19 guidelines, I am providing couples counseling services online. Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call so that your marriage can move back to a place of butterflies and bliss.
6 simple ways to keep the spark in your marriage alive
Marriage can be difficult. Two different people trying to compromise and do life together is not an easy feat. But if you’ve been married for more than a few days, I don’t have to tell you that. So often people wonder - “How do I keep the spark going? How can I make my marriage not only last, but actually be fulfilling?” Well, today, I’m going to tell you about 6 simple, but really important things to keep doing (or start doing) so that your marriage can be happy.
And if you are not in a happy place in your marriage, but you do want to get to a happy place, perhaps you can consider marriage counseling.
Maintaining a great marriage is all about making space in your mind and in your day for your spouse. It’s about the little things. It’s about ensuring that both of you are able to prioritize each other- even though you’re both pulled in a million different directions.
So take some notes and let’s begin:
1) Unwind together after a long day
This is super important. After you’ve both had dinner, put the kids to bed, cleaned up the kitchen and gotten lunches ready for the next day, spend about 10 to 15 minutes together to talk about your days. Turn off the TV, put your phones away, and truly see each other.
Eye contact and full attention are imperative here. Ask each other how you’re doing and talk about how the day went. When each person is talking, the other should give his/her undivided attention. Although this seems like such a small act, it invites you into your partner’s world, and vice versa. If you’re a good listener, you’ll learn so much about your partner in these short moments. You’ll also learn more about what your partner is going through and how you two can support one another. It’s an important bonding activity as a couple.
2) Have weekly date nights/days
I know that date nights sound so cliche, but the idea behind it is to get away from the everyday routine and do something special for and with one another- without distractions. Date nights (or date days- because dates don’t have to only be held at night) don’t have to be expensive. They simply have to feel special. You want time alone with your partner to become a normal part of your lives.
Dates can be as simple as a packed picnic lunch, a stroll together at the mall, a movie date, or an actual trip to somewhere exotic. You don’t even have to leave your home to have a date. They can happen right there in your living room or sitting in your garage.
I highly suggest that date nights should be scheduled. If you don’t schedule them, chances are they won’t happen. At the beginning of every week, sit with your partner and map out what day you’d both like to spend time together, where you’d like to go and what you’ll do together. If you schedule this, you have a much higher chance of actually following through with it. Eventually, date nights or date days become part of your schedule and you’ll both look forward to it,
3) Cuddle often
Physical touch is an important bonding tool for couples. It helps you maintain closeness and connection with your partner. Being in each other’s arms also provides a feeling of safety and security. Now cuddling can easily happen while unwinding after a long day. Sit on the couch, or on another comfortable area and just be. Get used to sitting together and bonding this way. Such a simple act really does go a long way in ensuring that your connection remains strong.
4) Listen actively
Most of the time, when we listen to our spouses talk, we are impatiently waiting for them to finish talking so that we can respond. The problem with this in a marriage is that it could easily lead your partner to feel frustrated and unheard. Active listening is something I always have couples practice in couples therapy/marriage counseling. It sometimes takes a bit of practice to get the hang of it. Marriage is supposed to be a partnership in which each person feels seen and heard. If you struggle with listening, then try this exercise.
When next you and your spouse sit down to unwind for the day, rather than talk about what you think about what he or she is saying, or trying to correct or argue with him or her, only say validating words and statements that help you understand your spouse better.
Set a timer for 10 minutes and sit next to one another. Have one partner be the speaker, while the other is the listener. The listener’s goal is to try to put yourself in your spouse’s shoes and respond the way you would want someone to respond if you were pouring out your heart. Validate your spouse’s feelings and summarize what you think he or she is saying. Let your spouse correct you as needed. Once you’re done, you then get to be the speaker while your partner is the listener. What you’ll get is a true bonding experience.
5) Create hello and goodbye routines
If you have a busy life, chances are you have situations in which you’re rushing out of the door while your spouse is at home. Make goodbyes and hellos memorable. When you are leaving the house, make it a point to give your spouse a hug, a kiss, a high five, a smile, or some other friendly exchange to acknowledge the moment.
The same thing goes for hellos. When you walk into the door, also make sure you acknowledge your spouse with a hug, a kiss, a friendly “Hello” or “What’s up,” a kiss or some other type of gesture that communicates that you’re happy to see him or her.
6) Talk about your hopes and dreams often
Remember when you were still dating? You probably sat down together for hours talking about all your hopes and dreams. Maybe that was even what attracted you to your husband or wife. Don’t lose touch with one another. Find time to talk about your long and short term goals. Reminisce about how far you’ve come and how far you both can go together. Do not get so entrenched in the daily hustle and bustle that you forget where you’re both going together.
If you really want to regain the spark in your marriage, but you are unsure of where to begin, consider scheduling a marriage counseling session. In our couples therapy sessions, you’ll learn how to create a friendship with your spouse, how to communicate clearly and how to truly maintain a happy, fulfilling marriage.
Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call so you can decide if couples counseling in Houston is right for you. I provide couples counseling in Houston, TX and throughout California and Texas.
Ready to get rid of anxiety, finally kick insomnia or for marriage counseling?