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Is Suicide Preventable?
Suicide Prevention Week is September 8th-14th, 2019
During this week individuals and organizations around the country join their voices to broadcast the message that suicide can be prevented, and to reach as many people as possible with the tools and resources to support themselves and those around them. The theme of Suicide Prevention Week is Finding Purpose: Caring for Ourselves and Others. It truly takes whole communities joining together to make a difference – from individuals and families to workplaces, government agencies, and community organizations.
Is suicide preventable?
In the last couple of years several well-known figures in the food and entertainment industries, died by suicide, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that suicide rates rose in nearly every state in the U.S. Many of us have been personally impacted by the death of someone we know or someone we love. The problem can sometimes seem insurmountable.
You may have heard people asking, or asked yourself: “Is suicide preventable?”
The causes of suicide are complex, and so are the solutions. Asking “why” when we lose someone is natural, but suicide can’t be attributed to a single cause. Preventing suicide requires sustained, broad-based efforts involving many sectors of the community and reaching into people’s relationships with friends and family. Working together, we can develop a comprehensive safety net for ourselves, friends and loved ones that includes prevention, early intervention, and support for those who are struggling, have attempted, or have lost someone to suicide.
There are reasons for hope!
The next time you hear someone ask “Is suicide preventable”, or you ask this question yourself, the answer lies partly in recognizing how much we do know about preventing suicide.
Did you know that:
· Effective suicide prevention strategies exist that can reduce suicidal thinking and behavior? Some programs take place within clinical settings, and others are based in the community, but evaluation studies and research have shown that they can help. Find out more about these programs by checking out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Technical Package
· National initiatives are underway that are enhancing suicide prevention in health care settings ( and within industries (e.g. Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention, and workplaces.
· National and local efforts are helping us to change the conversation about suicide to one of hope and help and to encourage effective messagingaround suicide prevention. And as a result, more often we see compassionate portrayals and responses in media and in the entertainment industry after a suicide death.
· The Know the Signs campaign is helping Californians to Know the Signs, Find the Words, and Reach Out to help someone they are concerned about. Check out the web site in Englishor Spanishtoday.
What is your role in suicide prevention?
While not every suicide can be prevented, by joining together throughout communities, we can reduce risk. Everyone has a role to play and a contribution to make.
· Visit the Each Mind Matters Resource Center for suicide prevention resources in many different languages.
· Be ready and aware: learn the warning signs and how to help by visiting suicideispreventable.orgor by participating in a local training.
· Reach out to local organizations, county agencies, or a crisis center to learn more about how you can support their work.
· Forge connections within your community- check in with friends, family members, co-workers or neighbors who are struggling.
More ideas can be found in the online 2019 Each Mind Matters Suicide Prevention Week Activation Kit.
Add Your Voice to World Suicide Prevention Day
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019 is World Suicide Prevention Day. This is an opportunity to join millions of others around the globe to focus public attention on preventing suicide through diverse activities to promote understanding about suicide and highlight effective prevention activities. For example: Light a candlenear a window at 8pm to show your support, remember a lost loved one, and for the survivors of suicide. Click here to find e-cards or postcards in 62 languages.
The Know the Signs campaign is one of several statewide initiatives funded by counties through the voter-approved Mental Health Services Act (Prop 63). These efforts are administered by the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) and are part of Each Mind Matters: California’s Mental Health Movement.
More Resources
And if you are in need of some more resources, click here for this depression resource guide from The Recovery Village.
Will marriage therapy in Houston work for you?
When you are struggling in your marriage, it can feel like a stifling, never ending roller coaster. One day things look good, then out of the blue, arguments just show up. You can feel like you're having the same old argument over and over again.
Perhaps you've heard people talk about the wonders of couples therapy or marriage counseling. You’ve thought about it, but you don't know if it's going to be a waste of time or money.
Here's how to know if marriage therapy couples therapy in Houston will work for you.
Are you willing to tell the truth?
The process of marriage counseling is no joke. You have to be willing to tell the truth about your situation, and you have to be willing to talk about sore topics. If you are not 100% committed to telling the truth about past events, then marriage counseling will definitely not work for you.
Are you willing to do the marriage counseling homework?
If you happen to work with me, then you know that I give homework after every single session. I actually believe that most of the work of marriage counseling or couples therapy actually happens outside of session. But if you're willing to implement what you're actually learning in session and actually do the homework, then your marriage will see a drastic change. If you do not do the homework, then your marriage will continue to stay the same. But if you're willing to implement what you're actually learning in session and actually do the homework, then your marriage will see a drastic change.
Are you willing to change past habits and learn a new dance while you’re in couples therapy?
Most people come to marriage counseling because the patterns they have been used to for years are either destructive or are causing them a level of pain. The problem is because you are so used to the way things have been, you might not be willing to change them. Even though you don't like the way things are going, but your behavior has become a habit or maybe your behavior is now a part of your character. If you are willing to learn a new couple’s dance, then there is hope for your marriage.
Are you willing to do the work it takes to find the right couples therapist in houston for you and your spouse?
The process of finding the right couples therapist in Houston is not easy. Most couples therapists in Houston are so swamped with clients that they might not get back to you (I respond to every voicemail within 2 business days).
This means that it takes dedication on your part. You first have to do a bit of research to find a short list of couples therapists in Houston. After that, you'll probably be scheduling a free consultation call if the therapist offers that (I happen to offer a free 15-minute consultation call to determine if we are a great fit).
Are you patient?
If you put in the work during your marriage counseling sessions in Houston, you'll see a definite difference in your marriage. However you do have to be patient as change does not happen overnight. It has taken years to get your marriage to a place that doesn't feel good, so it will take more than 2 sessions to get your marriage to a place where you both feel understood and friendly again.
.If you are finally ready to take your marriage from a place of confusion and miscommunication to deeper friendship and understanding, click here to schedule a free 15 minute couples therapy consultation call with me.
Do this to sleep like a baby at night
I have always been a big believer in self advocacy. When you struggle with insomnia, it's important to try out different avenues so that you can perhaps figure out the cause of your insomnia. Here are 6 things you can do to help you sleep better at night.
I have always been a big believer in self advocacy. When you struggle with insomnia, it's important to try out different avenues so that you can perhaps figure out the cause of your insomnia. Here are 6 things you can do to help you sleep better at night.
1) Ask your doctor about your medications: Some medications can change your sleep cycle. If you are currently on any medications, it's important to have a discussion with your prescribing physician about how your medications could be affecting your sleep. But if you don't talk to your physician about sleep patterns, you could continue to struggle with sleep. Sometimes a little self advocacy cab go a long way.
Concerned about your sleep meds? Read more about sleep medication here. Insomnia and sleep Insomnia chronicles: The scary truth about those sleeping pills you take
2) Try journaling: Often times, anxiety or worries can bring on sleeplessness. If your mind is spinning around with worry thoughts, it is going to be difficult to get good quality sleep. About 30 minutes to an hour before your bed time, sit in a quiet spot and write out what's bothering you. Some people like to write in full sentences, while others use bullet points. If you're creative, you could even draw how you feel or write some poetry about it. The point of journaling is to wrap up your day and get your worries out on paper, so they stop swimming around in your head.
While journaling, if important tasks for the next day pop up in your mind, it's also a great time to create a to do list for the next day.
3) Avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine a few hours before bedtime: It is an erroneous thought to believe that a 'night cap' is actually helpful for sleep. Actually, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine can interrupt your sleep patterns and worsen your insomnia. In the case of caffeine, it has a half life of 5 hours. This means it takes 5 hours for half the amount of caffeine you drink to be fully metabolized (absorbed) into your system. If you drink multiple cups of coffee throughout the day, you are essentially layering more and more caffeine in your body. So, by night time, chances are all that caffeine is still in there keeping you awake.
And if you find yourself awake late at night, click here to read about Insomnia tips: 10 things to do when you can't sleep at night
4) Practice relaxation about an hour before bedtime: The concept is simple- a relaxed mind is calm, and calmness helps you sleep. But a worried and harried mind is a bad environment for sleep. Remember that your mind and your body are connected. About an hour before bedtime, do something relaxing. Some examples are yoga, medication, prayer, stretches, breathing techniques or listening to soothing music. Let's not forget your sense of smell. Try using a drop of your favorite essential oil and also putting on soft, cozy pajamas. It would also help if your sheets are cool, clean and soft. To help your sense of sight, dim the lights or close the blinds, so that your body's sleep mechanism can also be triggered.
5) Take a nap: Many people who struggle with insomnia or sleep disorders often feel a dip in energy in the middle of the day. If your schedule permits, try taking one 30-minute nap in the middle of the day. This helps to recharge you, but doesn't get you so awake that you cannot sleep at night. Although naps can be beneficial, avoid napping in the evening or too close to bedtime. If you do this, you'll be wide awake at night.
There you have it. 5 easy tips to help you sleep like a baby. And if you're a woman in Murrieta or Temecula who has struggled with insomnia, and you're ready to sleep soundly again, click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call to see if CBT for insomnia is the right treatment for your insomnia. I also provide online sessions for women throughout California.
ready to finally sleep?
Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake- and how YOU can finally sleep!
Insomnia tips: 10 things to do when you can't sleep at night
One of the most painful things about insomnia is the boredom that happens when you find yourself staring at the ceiling for 3 hours straight. To make it worse, everyone else in your household is most likely asleep so you are stuck with your own thoughts. I always recommend that my clients who struggle with insomnia should get out of bed if they aren't able to fall asleep within 30 minutes. But after getting out of bed, what are you supposed to be doing?
Don't fret. I've got you covered. Here is a list of 10 things you can do when you can't sleep at night.
Look through old albums: Remember all those old pictures that are floating around in a random drawer or box in your home? Night time is the perfect time to actually get them organized. Think about it, you can reminisce about the good old days and get your pictures organized at the same time. If you don't have physical pictures, you can also spend this time organizing the pictures on your phone, tablet or laptop. Categorize them by date, location or any other system that works well for you.
Sort out junk mail: Many people have a junk mail drawer where they shove all their unsolicited mail and other miscellaneous items. Sometimes you can actually find good deals with coupons that are sent to your home. Night time is a great time to throw out useless mail, shred sensitive mail or organize mail you'd like to keep. My favorite mail organizing system is to use an accordion folder with tabs to keep everything. As your mail comes in, you can categorize it, and shred whatever you don't need.
Read something light (but not on a phone, tablet or computer screen): Night time or early morning is a great time to catch up on that novel or self help book you've been itching to read. Just ensure that you're not using an e-reader. I explain how electronics could affect your sleep cycle here. If you're a Christian, night time is also a great time to read your Bible or get caught up on a devotional.
Clean out the fridge: Let's face it, no one likes to clean out the fridge, but the best time to do so is when everyone else is asleep. The kids can't bug you, your spouse isn't asking you questions, and you have total silence to get organized and methodical about it.
Organize clothes: You probably won't be able to overhaul your entire closet in one night, but you can definitely get a head start and feel accomplished. Pick one type of item and organize everything in that category. Perhaps you can start with shirts, or pants or skirts or accessories. Make it fun and enjoyable. You can even use headphones and listen to calming music while you organize. Getting stuff done beats laying in bed and feeling frustrated while everyone else is fast asleep. Insomnia doesn't have to take over your life.
Knit or craft: If you're creative, night time is the best time to start a new knitting project or some other type of craft. You can't imagine how much you can get done when you're able to work without the distractions that happen during the day.
Work on a scrapbook: Remember those pictures you organized? You can turn them into a scrapbook. These days you can even create an online scrapbook.
Write a to do list for the next day: At night, you can plan out your schedule for the next day. Write out all the tasks you'd like to complete the next day and also organize them according to priority.
Clean out 1 drawer: Night time is also a great time to clean out your junk drawer. Perhaps start with your bedside table. Get rid of everything you don't need and hopefully, by the time you're done, you'll be tired enough to fall back asleep.
Ready to begin to sleep at night and kick this insomnia thing? Click here to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to find out if CBT for insomnia is the right treatment for your insomnia. In just a few weeks insomnia could be a thing of the past. I also provide online sessions for clients throughout California.
ready to finally sleep?
Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake- and how YOU ca finally sleep!
Insomnia chronicles: Early morning habits every insomniac should try
If you've struggled with insomnia, then you probably have sleep anxiety. It's no joke. Perhaps you wake up in the middle of the night, while the whole world is sleeping. Or you wake up in the wee hours of the morning, unable to drift off to sleep. I always advise insomniacs to get out of bed after 30 minutes if you cannot fall asleep
If you've struggled with insomnia, then you probably have sleep anxiety. It's no joke. Perhaps you wake up in the middle of the night, while the whole world is sleeping. Or you wake up in the wee hours of the morning, unable to drift off to sleep. I always advise insomniacs to get out of bed after 30 minutes if you cannot fall asleep. There's no point tossing and turning. That increases anxiety. In fact many people who experience sleep disorders often have anxiety about sleep. Here are some activities you could participate in if you're awake super early in the morning.
Pray: If you're religious, prayer is a great way to start off your day. It's nice to be able to pray while the house is silent. No screaming kids, no TV, no distractions. Start the day off feeling connected to God and setting the tone for a great day. It's a lot better than tossing and turning for hours till everyone is awake. Perhaps you can create a small prayer spot for yourself. It'll quickly become a relaxing ritual you can look forward to.
Take the dog for a walk: This is a great time to bond with your pet. Lace up your shoes, grab your leash and go for a short walk around the block. This one has two parts because you'll get some exercise in while bonding with your pet.
Organize drawers, clothes, shoes: Do you remember those drawers that are filled to the brim with random knick knacks and things you don't need? Well, early morning is a great time to organize them. I'm a big fan of the Konmari Method. If you've never heard about it, it's an organization system by Japanese organization expert, Marie Kondo. It's a simple way to live a minimalist and tidy life.
Tidy up your bedroom: The morning is the perfect time to tidy up last night's mess. Sometimes we are too tired to clean up after ourselves, so in the morning, you can pick up any clothes that are on the floor, clear up your side table, clean your armoire and ensure that your bedroom is soothing. Remember, a tidy bedroom is a lot more welcoming and sleep inducing than an untidy one.
Get some exercise: I'm no fitness expert, but I've heard it said that when we work out in the morning, our bodies continue to burn calories for a few more hours in the day. So if you can't sleep, go outside and get some early morning sunshine. If it's too hot or too cold for you, go to another room of the house and press play to a workout video.
Make lunch: While we're on the subject of exercise, early morning is also a good time to prepare your lunch. You can also get everyone else's lunch ready and start your day off right. Don't let all that exercise go to waste.
Do laundry: We all know how fast laundry piles up. If you can't fall asleep, get out of the bed and do 1 load of laundry. It'll have you feeling productive.
Some other ideas: You can also get ready for the day. Set out your clothes, brush your teeth or even take a shower. If you're up to it, do some light cleaning. Dust the windows and blinds, wipe down the kitchen counters or even mop the floor. Just don't vacuum so you everyone else in your house isn't upset.
And if you'd like to learn a lot more habits to help you sleep, click here to learn more.
There you have it. Lots of great ideas when you're wide awake early in the morning. And if you're tired of being controlled by insomnia, click here to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to find out if CBT for insomnia treatment in Murrieta can help you get the sleep you so desperately crave. If you live too far away from Murrieta, I also provide online sessions for women throughout California.
Ready to finally sleep?
Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake- and how YOU can finally sleep!
Insomnia chronicles: What to do in the evening when you can't sleep
Insomnia is a huge pain. But if you struggle with insomnia, you already know that. But did you know that there are some strategies you could use to help prepare your mind for sleep so that you're not eternally banished to a frustrating night of tossing and turning?
Insomnia is a huge pain. But if you struggle with insomnia, you already know that. But did you know that there are some strategies you could use to help prepare your mind for sleep so that you're not eternally banished to a frustrating night of tossing and turning? Here are some things you could do in the evening to begin to wind down before bedtime. The goal is not necessarily to wear yourself out. The goal is simply to help your mind begin to shut down, so that you can have a relaxing night of sleep.
Listen to slow, relaxing music: In this social media age, most of us have our phones glued to our hands 24 hours of the day. But if you read my previous post about the 5 habits that keep your insomnia going strong, you already know that the blue light that our electronic devices emit, actually prevents our brains from producing the right sleep chemicals at the right time. Translation: Your phone might be preventing you from sleeping. So what should you do to help you wind down at night? Listen to soothing music. The emphasis is on soothing. Ensure that the music does not drum up any difficult feelings of anger, sadness or hurt. The last thing you want is to go to bed feeling enraged or sad. Perhaps something soft and instrumental will help your brain know that it's time to shut off the day's worries, and it will begin to get ready to sleep. If you find yourself drifting off to sleep when you're listening to music, then you know you're on the right track.
Knit, sew or quilt: Yes, I know, very few people actually knit, sew or quilt these days, but these are gentle, relaxing activities that don't take much thought. You want to avoid activities that make you think or worry right before going to bed. Why? Because you'll end up tossing and turning as you ponder all night. The point is you don't want to lay in bed for hours on end before it's your actual bedtime, so find a calming activity to tide you over until it's time to lay in the bed. Avoid just laying in bed for hours on end. Not only is it frustrating, it makes your insomnia worse. And if you absolutely don't knit, sew or quilt, find something else soothing that doesn't involve a TV, phone or tablet. Remember these electronic devices emit blue light that can worsen your insomnia or make it harder for you to sleep.
Organize old books, pictures and clothes: Insomnia and other sleep disorders are tricky. You might feel exhausted during the day, but then when it's finally time to sleep at night, you lay wide awake. So instead of dragging yourself to bed at 6pm, stay up a little longer and do something productive. Organize old books, pictures or maybe even your closet. If you're a fan of Marie Kondo- the great organizing queen- then you know all about how to fold and tidy up. And if you've never heard of Marie Kondo, just do a quick Google search to find out how to tidy up your entire home. The bonus part of tidying up is that a tidy bedroom actually helps you feel more relaxed. And a relaxed mind is the perfect recipe for good sleep.
Take a bath or a shower: In an ideal world, your body temperature should rise in the morning when the sun comes up. This triggers your brain to wake up. Your temperature climbs steadily until evening time, when the sun goes down. After the sun sets, your body temperature begins to fall. This signals your body to begin to release melatonin, which helps you sleep. To help you get ready to sleep, try taking a cool shower. Of course, nothing too chilly- you don't want to catch a cold. Perhaps a warm shower to help your body temperature begin to drop. If you're a fan of baths, get some relaxing music, a few drops of essential oils, grab a good book, and soak in the tub. This will help you forget the worries of the day and prepare your body for sleep.
Make your lunch for the next day: And if you absolutely cannot quiet your mind after taking a shower, you might as well begin to prep for the next day. Evening time is a great time to pack lunches for the kids, cut up vegetables for the next day or even prep breakfast for the next day. When you wake up the next morning with lots of free time on your hands, your body will thank you.
And if you'd like to learn a lot more habits to help you sleep, click here to learn more about 5 habits that could help you sleep.
If you happen to have narcolepsy, which is another sleep disorder, check out this really informative infographic on how to be a successful student with narcolepsy.
What do you like to do in the evening to keep insomnia away? And if you're a woman struggling with insomnia, click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call to see if CBT for insomnia treatment in Murrieta is the right one for you. In as little as 2 months, you can go from frustrated insomniac to sleeping like a log. I also provide online sessions to women throughout California. Call now.
ready to fall asleep?
Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake and how YOU can finally sleep!
Ready to get rid of anxiety, finally kick insomnia or for marriage counseling?